November 10, 2021

Donut holes; or, Orphaned observations

-The Democrat Party are not the only racist political party on earth and in history, but surely they're the first and only racist party to have switched races. KKK to BLM. On both ends the Democrat Party have stolen elections.
-Oklahoma is a northerly projection of Texas, situated on the longitudinal equator of the contiguous United States, and constituting the center of American patriotism. 

-At the risk of over-generalization, Britain in movies circa 1950 looks like the 19th Century, and Italy in movies circa 1950 looks like the 16th; America in movies circa 1950 looks like 1950.  

-Also at the risk of over-generalization, British movies are about The War, German movies are about Germany, and French and Italian movies are about cheating. 

October 12, 2021

Cromwell, MacArthur, Hamlet: Words from times past for the present crisis

"This war will not be won by ... old, decaying serving men. We need men with fire in their bowels, who fear the Lord but not the enemy!" 


"By their reluctance to pursue this war with the intensity it demands, they have proved themselves treacherous, both to our cause and to this nation. ... Honest men have served us faithfully, and many have died, that this House may sit in freedom, and this nation live in liberty. In the name of God I beseech you, do not desert them now."


"Anarchy, corruption, division, and dissatisfaction. I say that the enemies of this nation have flourished under your protection. You were from the beginning a ... government not truly representative of the people, for have the people elected you? ... You are ... godless, self-seeking, ambitious tricksters! You are no more capable of conducting the affairs of this nation than you are of running a brothel! ... You are scum, sir, and not truly elected scum, at that!"


-- Oliver Cromwell, circa 1644-'53, per Ken Hughes with Ronald Harwood in Cromwell, 1970 

"I want you to remove all officers who won't fight. If necessary, put sergeants in charge of battalions and corporals in charge of companies -- anyone who will fight."

-- General Douglas MacArthur, circa 1943, per Hal Barwood and Matthew Robbins in MacArthur, 1977 

"Then sit still, my soul: foul deeds will rise,

Though all the earth o'erwhelm them, to men's eyes."

"Hold, my heart;

And you, my sinews, grow not instant old,

But bear me stiffly up. -- Remember thee!

Ay, thou poor ghost, while memory holds a seat 

In this distracted globe. Remember thee!

Yea, from the table of my memory 

I'll wipe away all trivial fond records,

All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past,

That youth and observation copied there; 

And thy commandment all alone shall live

Within the book and volume of my brain,

Unmix'd with baser matter: yes, by heaven!"    

-- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, circa 1603

July 18, 2021

Fin de siècle

Literally "end of century" in French, applied especially to the turn of the century from the 19th to the 20th, but in English and more broadly, the passing of an age. In this present age the globalist leftist establishment conjure a Great Reset, between flutes of champagne at Davos. And one does wonder whether we are on the point of a terrific turning-over, only not of the sort glimpsed at in the sparkles and bubbles of Davos.
If it's official, it's a lie. At the risk of overgeneralization, in 2021, if it's official, it's a lie. If the FBI say so, it's a lie. If "Dr." Fauci at his National Institutes for Health says so, it's a lie. We all are coming around to the truth that we are daily and nightly lied to, by the powerful and the influential, that the powerful and influential don't know what they're talking about or what they're doing or what's going on, and that the powerful and influential hate the ever-living guts of the masses of nobodies who are We the People.  
And at the same time that the institutions are bankrupted on the debased currency of their credibility, the upstarts demonstrate that anybody can do it. So for instance Fox News today is halfway to becoming CNN-3, but as Fox betrays us, no fewer than three alternative conservative TV news channels ride over the ridge to sustain us. As it turns out, it's not so unattainably tricky or costly to build a TV-news set, run a camera or two, and find a host and some guests who talk sense, then throw it all up onto the air. Anymore, anyone can do it, if only they work at it and they're good people with sound ideas.
One could go on with cases-in-point of the corrupt establishment overtaken by the dedicated amateur or the rough-and-ready upstart, but let this further exhibit suffice. Marx famously observed that "religion is the opiate of the masses," and as ever Marx was wrong, but his formulation was useful: as of some time in the later 20th Century the opiate of the masses has been televised sports. I don't say that the established leagues of the woke billionaires are finished, but to take but one example, the Superbowl which has been for the longest time the biggest thing in TV sports, rated worse in 2021 than since the 1960s when football was America's second game. And that was before the NFL declared itself homosexual and its national anthem the black national anthem. At the same time it does seem to me that the energy and growth anymore are with the amateur and outsider, the rough-and-ready, the upstart and unwoke in sports, like UFC or NASCAR or college ball. Fin de siècle, maybe. 
It may be that I'm thinking wishfully, but I find the signs and the proofs of it daily, that the rot of the last half-century has gotten to be unsupportable, that the godless elite and lawless establishment who lord over us are exposed for the forces of evil they are, and that the elite and establishment stand today about where the Roman Church stood, about the time Martin Luther nailed those Ninety-five Theses to that door.

July 13, 2021

The late, last godly power

Six little months; half a year of war and rumors of war.


Three acts of war on the United States, crippling cyberattacks on the economic infrastructure, without consequence to the attackers. Something like 50 attacks on Americans in Iraq, one by drone. War anew in Iraq and Syria. War also in Israel and Gaza, after the Abraham Accords and the greatest peace in the Mideast since the founding of Israel in '48. A third of Afghanistan is reclaimed by the Taliban. In Haiti the president is assassinated. And South Africa descends into low-grade civil war with corpses "lining the roads".

Offensive mobilization of China against Taiwan, and Russia against Ukraine; diplomatic coordination between China and Russia, against the United States; and a warning from Japan that China and Russia are coordinating also militarily, and that it would behoove the United States to be watchful for a second Pearl Harbor.

What it all comes to, this half-year of war and rumors of war, in my reckoning, is that the world America has borne on its shoulders, is crashing down around us: America is not America, not in 2021, and in 2021 America is collapsed, past-tense; America was the last godly power on earth, but as of 2021 America is not godly and neither is it a power.

June 14, 2021

New Old Hollywood

The patriots are building a new news and a new internet, but we're wanting a restored culture for a restored republic. And I say we start with a New Old Hollywood.
I know in my bones that the country and the world are crying out for a New Old Hollywood. The audience is there: the ratings and box office and every anecdotal signifier are screaming that the people already have tuned out; the country and the world are starved. And I'm convinced too that if one of our number were to found a modest studio and issue the mother of all casting calls, "Now hiring anyone who loves the movies but doesn't hate the country," including from Hollywood and maybe including some powers in Hollywood if they're still drawing breath like Clint Eastwood, then a New Old Hollywood might be thrown up practically overnight.   

America and the Western world more generally by now would scarcely recognize a culture: for half a century culture has been counter-culture; these 50 years and more we've been fumbling through a New Dark Age. The story of the last half-century since 1968 or thereabouts, in a word, is that the technology got better and every other blessed thing got worse.
The elite and the establishment are collapsed, and the Left bankrupt, totally and finally. There can be no earthy use anymore in critiquing them by way of nudging them to reform; they never will throw in with us and neither will they let us into their inside. The Left and the elite and the establishment are all rot and poison; for half a century their every word and deed have been rot and poison. They are the dark side in a great struggle and can only be vanquished, I pray not by force of arms but through the manifest superiority of our ideas and works. And so it's left to us to resolve like Robert Graves a century ago, "Goodbye to all that," and set to building our restored republic with a restored culture.   

And I'd venture one further. We might build our New Old Hollywood in the rich and growing conservative satellite of tropical Houston in red-state Texas, the fourth-largest city and the second-largest state, where the winter lasts just two months in twelve, namely The Woodlands. And obviously we couldn't fail to name a New Old Hollywood built in The Woodlands, "The Hollywoodlands". Also if we were wanting a name for that founding studio then we could do worse than the sort of stamp on the titles of movies in the Midcentury, that they were made in "Hollywood, U.S.A." (And postscript, addressed to any would-be moviemaker in our would-be New Old Hollywood: I'm sitting on a script to change the movies, change the world, and change your life.)

May 25, 2021

Automat Revival

Bring back the Automat, I say:

Retro-Midcentury Modern design combining the Howard Johnson and the chrome diner and the Automat. Every table a booth. And on every table a miniature jukebox, glowing with the menu and corresponding buttons, and on the side of the juke a card-swiper. Ranks of clear plastic tubing lining the ceiling and walls, table-level model-train tracks discreetly ringing the restaurant: the tubes to convey the drinks, and the tracks the dishes. Jets of pop streaking overhead; watch your drink zipping and twisting to your cup over the length of the restaurant. And proceeding from the mysterious, unseen kitchen, a procession of 30" scale characters shuttling along the tracks bearing trays and dishes: a lovely fat Jersey cow; a plump, pink pig; a two-tone-with-chrome '56 Chevy in turquoise; a rocket from science fiction before the Moonshot, with fins and needle-nose and aerodynamic bulge, in unpainted aluminum alloy; an outsized Coke bottle and an outsized Heinz ketchup bottle; and the popular favorite, the classical 1950s "tin can on legs" robot -- pronounced "RO-but" after the Midcentury fashion -- waving his dryer-hose arms mechanically and superfluously.

The dumb-waiter trundles along the tracks to the table that placed its order, where it slows and halts, and waits patiently until a sensor detects that it's been relieved of the last of its order, whereupon it trundles off, around the loop until finally it vanishes into that inner sanctum which is the kitchen. And at the end a punchline: depress the "BUS TABLE" button at the bottom of the miniature jukebox and a caricature of a Midcentury garbage man materializes from the kitchen, proceeding along the tracks to the table in question and shaking his head judgmentally. Deposit your detritus on the tray mounted atop his scale classical aluminum trash can, tap his head twice, and away he goes, shaking his head at the mess you've made. "No substitutions. No cash or checks. No waiters, no tips. Take it as you find it, or take off. This is an automat. Thank you for your cooperation and your custom."

April 14, 2021

Communism comes to America and hell comes to earth: The case of Felicia Konold

The outrages pile up and scream out to Heaven. This tragedy in miniature is just one such case of two reported just this afternoon on just one dedicated-amateur news site. Felicia Konold, of Arizona: young white single mother of a ten-year-old son with a second child on the way; lives in a mobile home, works odd jobs, homeschools her little boy, tends her animals and her garden; miraculously recovered from a horrific car crash; and a Trump-loving patriot. On the 6th of January Konold visited her national capital to rally for Trump and the republic, and was presumably let into her national legislature by Capitol Police; she was peaceable and polite, and on being advised that "people were not supposed to be there," she duly hurried out. A month later, the FBI tore her from her bed as she slept, guns drawn. 

Konold's street was choked with the vehicles of a small army of law enforcement dispatched to apprehend a small, pregnant woman in her bed in her trailer, and to raid her home, confiscating an inventory of her belongings running to two pages. The FBI dumped her into a cell for a week, notwithstanding her pregnancy, then released her to house-arrest complete with painful shackle for electronic surveillance, forbidden from gainful employment and even from shopping groceries. She's charged on five now-familiar counts including "conspiracy", all of them laughable, carrying 30 years in federal prison. And extraordinarily the FBI warned her against communication with any other agency of law enforcement, which for what it's worth I read as an admission of abuse: I say they know they're straying well outside the law, and veering outside decency and sanity, and that their lawlessness and wickedness would be apparent to any as-yet uncorrupted officer of the law. This girl lives in a trailer so ipso-facto she hasn't the means for a proper legal defense, and her lawyer is a public defender apparently untroubled by any obligation to demonstrate her innocence.      

And it gets worse, as in this Age of President Asterisk it only ever gets worse: after her week's incarceration, Konold discovered that her stock-trading and social media accounts had been suspended and the online record of her law-abiding, decent little life wiped. The malicious and mendacious press have reported her as a monstrous "insurrectionist", and the more demonic elements of the anti-democratic Democratic Party have proceeded as ever to harass and threaten her. A fund for Felicia Konold has been posted to Venmo, @Felicia-Konold-1, and she and masses like her could do with your prayers, too.    

In related news, this same day: Biden regime terminates investigation into fatal shooting without warning by Capitol Police of unarmed Trump supporter. In the course of the January 6 run on the Capitol, a Capitol Police plainclothesman shot in the neck a small, unarmed white woman 14 years in the service of the Air Force, without warning, whereupon he among other Capitol Police at hand abandoned her to bleed to death. Even these hundred days since, the identity of the killer cop is unknown, in this age when any cop anyplace in America who shoots a crook who happens to be black, becomes at once a household name, suspended summarily and charged criminally and vilified universally, and "doxed". Unknown too is the story of why two Capitol Police, in the days following the 6th of January, should have had cause for killing themselves.  
And just 48 hours before, President Asterisk himself effectively sanctioned the last night's violent and vicious rioting and looting led by Black Lives Matter, as "peaceful protests" and "understandable", whereafter the rioting duly escalated and spread. Antifa only just set fire to a federal facility in Portland, with federal officers inside, but Antifa are to the Democrat Party as the Brownshirts were to the Nazi Party, so "That's alright, then." This is post-democracy: the patriots are the "terrorists"; the law are the crooks and the crooks are king; and the powers-that-be know no law and no God. Communism has come to America and hell has come to earth.

March 12, 2021

Communism comes to America and hell comes to earth: The case of Joshua James

Joshua James, of Alabama: married with three children, the youngest being three years old; Christian; small businessman; and a combat veteran of Iraq with a Purple Heart to his name. In other words, "The Enemy" to The Party. Joshua James has no criminal record; he's a civic-minded sort and has volunteered for rescue and relief from natural disasters among other such hometown heroism. And in keeping with that profile, Joshua James is a strenuous supporter of President Trump and recognizes that the 2020 election was stolen.

James wasn't present at the Capitol on January 6; at the time of the run on the Capitol he was well away at the Ellipse, in attendance for Trump's speech with maybe a million other souls. But this week the Federal Bureau of Investigation turned up at Joshua James' middle-class home in Alabama; he's not accused of violence or even of being present at the Capitol, but the FBI deployed with an armored Hummer complete with turret, two FBI vans and six vehicles more from the FBI, plus three vehicles from the local constabulary who one hopes lament their part in this wickedness. 

The FBI arrested Joshua James, are holding him without bail until trial, and are to transfer his custody and his case to Washington. The FBI then invaded James' home and searched it for nearly eight hours, and not delicately, while his wife Audrey and their three-year-old were stuck outside; I don't pretend to be an authority on law enforcement but common sense would indicate that if a search of a modest home by a small army of trained investigators runs to a full work-day, they're not finding what they're looking for. A warrant was produced two days thereafter for a family cellphone, since which time the family have been the object of harassment and threats. And the lawless law stooped to turning against James his service to his country in war, in the most disgusting hate-America pop-culture cliche of an argument that James was liable to be a menace to society, what with the "PTSD" and all, in consequence of which James must be detained indefinitely pending the disposition of his case in the national capital. The outrages pile up and scream out to Heaven.      

Joshua James is the breadwinner for his family who have nothing approaching the resources for his legal defense; he was represented at court by a public defender who was powerless against what the man termed "pressure coming down" from on high. Audrey was left to found a fund for the family online. She was interviewed and her husband's story amplified by The Gateway Pundit, God bless Gateway Pundit. I wait with ever-greater disgust and ever-more violent rage for Republican officeholders and statesmen or professional civil-rightsers to speak up and stand up for Joshua James and the nameless masses of Joshua Jameses. George W. Bush ordered these men to war, but to judge by his perfect, placid silence on their cause he's oblivious to or unbothered by their vilification and criminalization as some vanguard in a scourge of "domestic terrorism". 

This case of Joshua James is but one outrage in an ocean of them, known however widely it may be known owing only to James' wife Audrey who's a fighter and who makes an articulate and forceful argument, and has taken her fight and her argument to the free-speech internet. This is not law enforcement; it would be recognizable to a survivor of authoritarianism or totalitarianism, as criminalization of the political opposition. Communism has come to America and hell has come to earth.

February 7, 2021

Communism comes to America and hell comes to earth

In its way it was as big as any news since January 6, the news of February 3 that the Biden regime was to stand down the United States Armed Forces over 60 days, to investigate the personal political thinking of the troops, those patriots who've volunteered to risk limb and life so that we all might sleep soundly and live freely. The story was reported matter-of-factly and promptly vanished, submerged in the din surrounding the next day's vote by the regime's marginal majority in the House of Representatives to forbid a duly-elected opposition member of the House from service on committee, also for unapproved notions and as much without precedent.  

On what statutory law or military regulation the Biden regime derives this novel authority to investigate the boys for unapproved notions, or what standard is to be applied in the investigation and by whom, or what penalties are to accrue to the accused, or what appeal or remedy may be claimed by the accused, or even what the country and the world are to do for our defense and security while the United States Armed Forces undergo their thought-policing -- that all is unclear, and one can't but wonder whether the inaptly-named "People's Liberation Army" of China might avail itself of the stand-down to invade Taiwan. 

More National Guard are bussed into the national capital unheralded, to reinforce the now-month-long military occupation of the capital, allegedly to secure the show trial of the opposition leader opening the next week, the peacetime militarization of the capital and the "impeachment" of a private citizen and the summary impeachment vote by the House without due process or any process, also being without precedent. The trial is meant to repudiate the leader of the opposition and make an example of him for any other would-be challengers to the Establishment, and to prohibit him from standing again for president and winning a third national election.
Then there is HR 1, the first House resolution of this hundred-and-umpteenth Congress, which would institutionalize and nationalize the comprehensive corruption of the 2020 general election. Meantime the Biden regime rules by decree, issuing 19 times more executive orders in its first three days than the last two Republican administrations in their first three days combined. The wall to secure the southern border is terminated, but the wall to keep the people from the people's houses of Congress is made permanent; the regime which has inaugurated a Terror to make political refugees of most of the American people, expands beyond recognition the definition of "refugee" for purposes of washing out the white majority of the United States; the regime demands impotently that Russia release from prison the opposition leader there (or rather, the so-called opposition leader: evidently the man was a blogger who got into politics and topped out at something like 2%), while staging a show trial for the leader of their political opposition; travel from the mother country of Britain is forbidden, on the claim that the United Kingdom might re-infect the United States with the China Virus (that name "China Virus" having been forbidden by still another executive order), while the border to the Latin American Third World is flung open wide to all comers.
All the while the Establishment and the Deep State and Big Tech and Big Business are on the march, harassing and terrorizing, censoring and canceling, arresting and destroying any and all among the opposition majority of the civilian population who catch their eye. The secretary of state who presided over the very crookedest state election in the bent general election of 2020, to take but one example from an ocean of them, opens an investigation into any conceivable, construable voting irregularities, not on the part of the criminals who heisted the last election but of the patriot lawyer who brought the suit against the election fraud.
And rioting carries on nightly, in Oregon or Washington state, New York state or the District of Columbia -- but rioting by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, arms of The Party acting in the service of The Party and thus smiled on by The Party. Unprosecuted by the district attorneys never mind the feds, unreported by the national press, and uncondemned as "domestic terrorism" by those politicians charging "domestic terrorism" against octogenarian grandmothers guilty of the naive notion that an American citizen may petition his national legislature for ten days' stay to audit and reconsider the most inexplicable election in the history of the republic. 
There are terms for all this, terms of political science, but terms which before 2020 applied to banana republics and totalitarian regimes. Communism has come to America, and hell has come to earth.

January 23, 2021

Two and a half days of post-democracy

Never mind the declaration of war or the authorization of force, never mind the national debate or the campaign promises; now that The Party need not fear the press or the law or the people, they've dispensed even with announcing the war: among the Establishment's first orders of business for the fraud Joe Biden, signing whatever it is they place onto his desk and repeating whatever it is they whisper into his earpiece, was the ordering of hundreds of troops into Syria. The forces were rolled in and choppered in all of 24 hours after the inauguration, and the people were left to discover our latest war effort days after its ordering, second-hand from Syrian and other Mideastern press. Lest it be doubted that this is a Mideastern entanglement wanted by no-one but the Establishment, they never let on about it before the election, then the instant the inauguration is past them, they give the order and don't trouble themselves even to acknowledge it to the country and the world.


(Update to paragraph hereunder, December 2024: Of course by now we know, the object of this re-occupation of Syria was more sinister than the cover-story I had consumed; evidently we're in Syria to kick up a new Syrian War, for "regime change", and to open another front in the globalists' war on Russia.)  


This new Syrian entanglement is a war without an enemy or a point. The question had been settled by Trump diplomatically, with the scantiest of deployments and not a shot fired -- Trump who is the only commander-in-chief in 40 years to not launch a new war. The object of American intervention in Syria as it was claimed to be at the time of Trump's withdrawal from Syria, is that the United States Armed Forces occupy the middle of some territorial dispute between the Turks our allies and the Kurds our friends: tell me who I'm supposed to shoot at. There is no threat in this to the United States, no fear of terrorism or nuclear proliferation or Islamist fascism, and not even is there a shooting war to pacify, making it maybe the most pointless military effort in memory. Not to mention, America just now is in the middle of a civilizational collapse and losing a cold war against China -- China which has only just deliberately demolished 188 countries and come out the other end with scarcely a cross word against them. 

And it gets worse. Also among those first orders of business for Biden was re-cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta; there's tens of thousands of jobs wiped, direct and indirect, and the United States left to import instead from Russia and Venezuela. A moratorium on leases and permits for oil and gas on federal lands. Then there was the re-commitment of the United States to the Paris Climate Suicide Pact, notwithstanding that the global temperature has risen all of 0.9 of a degree Celsius in a century, that CO2 is the innocuous stuff we exhale and oxygen to the plant kingdom, and that the principal producer of CO2 in the world is exempt from the accord, namely China. So there's that much more manufacturing packed up and shipped away to China, and America that much more hobbled, for a lie. And Biden's press secretary added helpfully on Inauguration Day that the abolition of fracking is to follow, fracking being the single greatest technological advancement making for America's exporting more energy than we import for only the first time since the 1950s, under Trump.


Of course the puppeteers behind Biden's big chair in the Oval Office ordered an end to construction on the border wall, wiping another 10,000 jobs in a stroke, suspended deportations of illegal aliens, ordered the 14,000 mostly convicted-criminal illegals in federal custody released into society and in toto, and commanded that illegal aliens shall be counted in the 2020 Census, which not coincidentally has the effect of piling up Congressional seats and electoral votes for Democrats. And the promise was renewed, of a "path to citizenship" for the estimated 20-million-plus illegal aliens, with expedited voting rights inasmuch as that's the object of the exercise, packing the electorate with tens of millions of spare Democrat votes to rescue The Party from the murderous rage of the people coming for it at the next scheduled election and to reduce the republic ever after to one-party state. Lest it be doubted that they fixed the last election, they're fixing the next one while we watch, complete with a scheme to forbid Trump from standing again for president and even from holding rallies.

Biden mandated masks on federal property, and a matter of hours later broke his own darn mask law. Thereafter Biden read a speech shrugging that as it turns out, there's not a lot he can do about "COVID". Also there was an executive order on "racial equity"; I've no notion of what that means but I know well enough it's a declaration of war on whites. And among the very most pressing business for Biden, he somehow took onto himself the authority to compel school sports for girls to admit boys who claim to be girls, onto the field and into the locker room, swinging the wrecking ball of leftism now into girls' sports, in the name of "transgender rights".  

No element of this Bidenian program is popular or makes the country independent or self-sufficient, or strong or safe, or rich or free. The country repudiated all this on Election Day, before the visitation late Election Night by the Vote Fairy, and even a great many of the ones who did vote Biden -- and there is such a thing as a living, legal voter who really and truly did pull the lever for Joe Biden -- never signed on for this. The Democrat skews in the polling can't rescue Biden's job approval, and he walks into the White House at sub-fifty.  

The Biden inaugural was a sham and an abortion. Looking like some North Korean observation of the founding of the dynasty, and about as democratic: tens of thousands of troops and maybe a couple thousand people, with mass ranks of uniform flags where the people ought to have been. The most memorable bit of Biden's address may've been Bill Clinton's dozing off in the middle of it, then as if to enact a screenplay about a doddering old buffoon installed in power as a puppet, Biden said out loud "Salute the Marines," instead of saluting the Marines, mistaking the direction in his earpiece for dialogue.  

And then the inauguration developed into a disgusting scandal and outrage: Democrats first accused the white males who constitute something on the order of 90% of the National Guard, of plotting an "insider attack" on the sham inauguration they were ordered to secure, and subjected them to three layers of investigation on suspicion of conspiracy; then it turns out the Democrats provided for no accommodation for the Guard, reducing the men to sleeping on a cafeteria floor. These would be the same Democrats who when the National Guard rescued Washington from smashing up and burning down last summer in the Black Lives Matter riots, turned Guardsmen out of their hotels. Now it turns out that 5,000 troops ordered to stay on after the inauguration for no good reason, were left by the Democrats to sleep on the floor of an unheated parking garage with one bathroom and as many electrical outlets.  

"This is how Joe Biden's America treats soldiers," pronounced the source in the Guard who smuggled out the truth and accompanying photos. Trump saw the outrage and at once he opened his luxury Trump Hotel in Washington to the troops; they've forbidden Trump from tweeting to the world and from e-mailing his supporters or raising funds, and somehow they've even closed his personal bank accounts, among other "depersoning" of the Last Elected President by the unelected Establishment, but they haven't yet confiscated his properties. 

And that is an accounting of but the first two and a half days in our Age of Biden. But these are democratic arguments in a post-democratic age, arguments like we might've made in the holiday-from-history Clinton '90s or in the punishing and brutalizing, bleak and grim barrenness that was the the Age of Obama, persuading the people to vote Republican in the midterms. 2020, as the advertisers say of it, changed everything: in 2020 we won the argument and won the votes, but lost the election. Already we're winning 2021; Democrats aren't winning the argument but neither are they trying. The Party in 2021 have transcended politics and persuasion: anymore they only cram it down our throats, and fix it to where we can't say peep about it. 

January 16, 2021

"If you need all this to protect your inauguration from the people, maybe the f'ing people didn't f'ing elect you!"

I can't improve on those, the words of a bluecollar worker in the national capital on the weekend before the first post-democratic presidential inauguration. For the first time in 53 years the Democrat Party have discovered an application for armed force that meets with their approval: enforcing against the civilian population their seizure of total power for remaking America into Venezuela, and playing a part in the party pantomime to impress on us all that those people who dissent from The Party are dangerous and murderous "insurrectionists" and "seditionists".   

25,000 National Guard complemented by hundreds of specialized regulars, plus city and Capitol police -- several times the numbers deployed today to Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria put together -- licensed to kill civilians at their discretion. A Green Zone and a Red Zone as in wartime Baghdad, military checkpoints for entry to and exit from the downtown, bridges to the capital closed, and the perimeter secured by twelve-foot razor-wired fencing. And still The Party blame "security threats" for the abortion that is their inaugural ceremonies, and the dirty FBI "vet" the patriot National Guard. The commander of the Guard for the District of Columbia subjects his men to three layers of investigation, on suspicion of plotting an "insider attack", and a senior Democrat helpfully explains that it's the white male Guardsmen who are suspect, which is to say something like nine Guardsmen in ten.

Mass censorship and mass criminalization of the political opposition are well along even before The Party assume total power formally, and the "depersoning" of the opposition already is complete. The Last Elected President is to depart the capital on the morning of Inauguration Day without attending the ceremony or meeting the successor as was the custom of the republic, when it was a republic: the outgoing president cannot concede defeat because manifestly he won a historic landslide, and he cannot congratulate or acknowledge the incoming president who can't make second in a two-man race, even in an establishment poll, for most-admired. Secession is under discussion already, and language like "civil war" is common enough. And the theme of the inauguration: "America united", as if to plop the cherry on top of the fiction, and for all the world to see.

January 8, 2021

The Sixth of January

First they censored us; then they stole our votes; thereafter they denied us our day in court; next they dismissed our thousand sworn witnesses and whistleblowers and The Law pronounced that there was "no evidence of fraud" and would be no investigation; and finally they refused us even a stay of ten days, to audit and reconsider for only the first time the most spectacularly obviously stolen election in the history of the free world.  

And then when we did all that they had left to us to do, confronting our national legislature unarmed to shake awake the country and the world, at the business end of what was among the largest peaceful political demonstrations in the history of the republic, conspicuously unreported by the press, they clubbed us and gassed and maced us and shot us, preemptively and without a declaration of unlawful assembly or so much as a warning. By the end four of our number were dead* including a small, unarmed woman 14 years in the service of the United States Air Force, she having bled to death where she fell from a bullet to the neck. Within hours they declared us enemies of the state and determined to "cleanse" the country of us, "cleanse" being the prescription of a network news director. But we are the country, 84% of it.

A revolution is an uprising of the people against the powerful; 2020 was a coup d'etat, by the powerful against the people. The Sixth of January in 2021 was the completion of that coup, and time will tell if it was also the Boston Massacre for a Second Declaration of Independence.           


* - Four patriots rallying for Trump and the Republic dead, one known to have been shot unarmed by police; one Capitol policeman dead, not as claimed by The Party by violence with a fire extinguisher but evidently from heart failure; then two Capitol police in the days after the 6th dead by suicide, and I leave it to the reader to infer from that. That accounts for the Big Lie of the "seven dead" promulgated by The Party, who would have you imagine Trump supporters as murderers with the blood of seven against their souls, when not one died of deliberate violence by Trump's patriots, and the patriots themselves accounted for four of the five dead on the day.