In its way it was as big as any news since January 6, the news of February 3 that the Biden regime was to stand down the United States Armed Forces over 60 days, to investigate the personal political thinking of the troops, those patriots who've volunteered to risk limb and life so that we all might sleep soundly and live freely. The story was reported matter-of-factly and promptly vanished, submerged in the din surrounding the next day's vote by the regime's marginal majority in the House of Representatives to forbid a duly-elected opposition member of the House from service on committee, also for unapproved notions and as much without precedent.
On what statutory law or military regulation the Biden regime derives this novel authority to investigate the boys for unapproved notions, or what standard is to be applied in the investigation and by whom, or what penalties are to accrue to the accused, or what appeal or remedy may be claimed by the accused, or even what the country and the world are to do for our defense and security while the United States Armed Forces undergo their thought-policing -- that all is unclear, and one can't but wonder whether the inaptly-named "People's Liberation Army" of China might avail itself of the stand-down to invade Taiwan.
More National Guard are bussed into the national capital unheralded, to reinforce the now-month-long military occupation of the capital, allegedly to secure the show trial of the opposition leader opening the next week, the peacetime militarization of the capital and the "impeachment" of a private citizen and the summary impeachment vote by the House without due process or any process, also being without precedent. The trial is meant to repudiate the leader of the opposition and make an example of him for any other would-be challengers to the Establishment, and to prohibit him from standing again for president and winning a third national election.
Then there is HR 1, the first House resolution of this hundred-and-umpteenth Congress, which would institutionalize and nationalize the comprehensive corruption of the 2020 general election. Meantime the Biden regime rules by decree, issuing 19 times more executive orders in its first three days than the last two Republican administrations in their first three days combined. The wall to secure the southern border is terminated, but the wall to keep the people from the people's houses of Congress is made permanent; the regime which has inaugurated a Terror to make political refugees of most of the American people, expands beyond recognition the definition of "refugee" for purposes of washing out the white majority of the United States; the regime demands impotently that Russia release from prison the opposition leader there (or rather, the so-called opposition leader: evidently the man was a blogger who got into politics and topped out at something like 2%), while staging a show trial for the leader of their political opposition; travel from the mother country of Britain is forbidden, on the claim that the United Kingdom might re-infect the United States with the China Virus (that name "China Virus" having been forbidden by still another executive order), while the border to the Latin American Third World is flung open wide to all comers.
All the while the Establishment and the Deep State and Big Tech and Big Business are on the march, harassing and terrorizing, censoring and canceling, arresting and destroying any and all among the opposition majority of the civilian population who catch their eye. The secretary of state who presided over the very crookedest state election in the bent general election of 2020, to take but one example from an ocean of them, opens an investigation into any conceivable, construable voting irregularities, not on the part of the criminals who heisted the last election but of the patriot lawyer who brought the suit against the election fraud.
And rioting carries on nightly, in Oregon or Washington state, New York state or the District of Columbia -- but rioting by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, arms of The Party acting in the service of The Party and thus smiled on by The Party. Unprosecuted by the district attorneys never mind the feds, unreported by the national press, and uncondemned as "domestic terrorism" by those politicians charging "domestic terrorism" against octogenarian grandmothers guilty of the naive notion that an American citizen may petition his national legislature for ten days' stay to audit and reconsider the most inexplicable election in the history of the republic.
There are terms for all this, terms of political science, but terms which before 2020 applied to banana republics and totalitarian regimes. Communism has come to America, and hell has come to earth.
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