Joshua James, of Alabama: married with three children, the youngest being three years old; Christian; small businessman; and a combat veteran of Iraq with a Purple Heart to his name. In other words, "The Enemy" to The Party. Joshua James has no criminal record; he's a civic-minded sort and has volunteered for rescue and relief from natural disasters among other such hometown heroism. And in keeping with that profile, Joshua James is a strenuous supporter of President Trump and recognizes that the 2020 election was stolen.
James wasn't present at the Capitol on January 6; at the time of the run on the Capitol he was well away at the Ellipse, in attendance for Trump's speech with maybe a million other souls. But this week the Federal Bureau of Investigation turned up at Joshua James' middle-class home in Alabama; he's not accused of violence or even of being present at the Capitol, but the FBI deployed with an armored Hummer complete with turret, two FBI vans and six vehicles more from the FBI, plus three vehicles from the local constabulary who one hopes lament their part in this wickedness.
The FBI arrested Joshua James, are holding him without bail until trial, and are to transfer his custody and his case to Washington. The FBI then invaded James' home and searched it for nearly eight hours, and not delicately, while his wife Audrey and their three-year-old were stuck outside; I don't pretend to be an authority on law enforcement but common sense would indicate that if a search of a modest home by a small army of trained investigators runs to a full work-day, they're not finding what they're looking for. A warrant was produced two days thereafter for a family cellphone, since which time the family have been the object of harassment and threats. And the lawless law stooped to turning against James his service to his country in war, in the most disgusting hate-America pop-culture cliche of an argument that James was liable to be a menace to society, what with the "PTSD" and all, in consequence of which James must be detained indefinitely pending the disposition of his case in the national capital. The outrages pile up and scream out to Heaven.
Joshua James is the breadwinner for his family who have nothing approaching the resources for his legal defense; he was represented at court by a public defender who was powerless against what the man termed "pressure coming down" from on high. Audrey was left to found a fund for the family online. She was interviewed and her husband's story amplified by The Gateway Pundit, God bless Gateway Pundit. I wait with ever-greater disgust and ever-more violent rage for Republican officeholders and statesmen or professional civil-rightsers to speak up and stand up for Joshua James and the nameless masses of Joshua Jameses. George W. Bush ordered these men to war, but to judge by his perfect, placid silence on their cause he's oblivious to or unbothered by their vilification and criminalization as some vanguard in a scourge of "domestic terrorism".
This case of Joshua James is but one outrage in an ocean of them, known however widely it may be known owing only to James' wife Audrey who's a fighter and who makes an articulate and forceful argument, and has taken her fight and her argument to the free-speech internet. This is not law enforcement; it would be recognizable to a survivor of authoritarianism or totalitarianism, as criminalization of the political opposition. Communism has come to America and hell has come to earth.
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