The patriots are building a new news and a new internet, but we're wanting a restored culture for a restored republic. And I say we start with a New Old Hollywood.
I know in my bones that the country and the world are crying out for a New Old Hollywood. The audience is there: the ratings and box office and every anecdotal signifier are screaming that the people already have tuned out; the country and the world are starved. And I'm convinced too that if one of our number were to found a modest studio and issue the mother of all casting calls, "Now hiring anyone who loves the movies but doesn't hate the country," including from Hollywood and maybe including some powers in Hollywood if they're still drawing breath like Clint Eastwood, then a New Old Hollywood might be thrown up practically overnight.
America and the Western world more generally by now would scarcely recognize a culture: for half a century culture has been counter-culture; these 50 years and more we've been fumbling through a New Dark Age. The story of the last half-century since 1968 or thereabouts, in a word, is that the technology got better and every other blessed thing got worse.
The elite and the establishment are collapsed, and the Left bankrupt, totally and finally. There can be no earthy use anymore in critiquing them by way of nudging them to reform; they never will throw in with us and neither will they let us into their inside. The Left and the elite and the establishment are all rot and poison; for half a century their every word and deed have been rot and poison. They are the dark side in a great struggle and can only be vanquished, I pray not by force of arms but through the manifest superiority of our ideas and works. And so it's left to us to resolve like Robert Graves a century ago, "Goodbye to all that," and set to building our restored republic with a restored culture.
And I'd venture one further. We might build our New Old Hollywood in the rich and growing conservative satellite of tropical Houston in red-state Texas, the fourth-largest city and the second-largest state, where the winter lasts just two months in twelve, namely The Woodlands. And obviously we couldn't fail to name a New Old Hollywood built in The Woodlands, "The Hollywoodlands". Also if we were wanting a name for that founding studio then we could do worse than the sort of stamp on the titles of movies in the Midcentury, that they were made in "Hollywood, U.S.A." (And postscript, addressed to any would-be moviemaker in our would-be New Old Hollywood: I'm sitting on a script to change the movies, change the world, and change your life.)
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