April 14, 2021

Communism comes to America and hell comes to earth: The case of Felicia Konold

The outrages pile up and scream out to Heaven. This tragedy in miniature is just one such case of two reported just this afternoon on just one dedicated-amateur news site. Felicia Konold, of Arizona: young white single mother of a ten-year-old son with a second child on the way; lives in a mobile home, works odd jobs, homeschools her little boy, tends her animals and her garden; miraculously recovered from a horrific car crash; and a Trump-loving patriot. On the 6th of January Konold visited her national capital to rally for Trump and the republic, and was presumably let into her national legislature by Capitol Police; she was peaceable and polite, and on being advised that "people were not supposed to be there," she duly hurried out. A month later, the FBI tore her from her bed as she slept, guns drawn. 

Konold's street was choked with the vehicles of a small army of law enforcement dispatched to apprehend a small, pregnant woman in her bed in her trailer, and to raid her home, confiscating an inventory of her belongings running to two pages. The FBI dumped her into a cell for a week, notwithstanding her pregnancy, then released her to house-arrest complete with painful shackle for electronic surveillance, forbidden from gainful employment and even from shopping groceries. She's charged on five now-familiar counts including "conspiracy", all of them laughable, carrying 30 years in federal prison. And extraordinarily the FBI warned her against communication with any other agency of law enforcement, which for what it's worth I read as an admission of abuse: I say they know they're straying well outside the law, and veering outside decency and sanity, and that their lawlessness and wickedness would be apparent to any as-yet uncorrupted officer of the law. This girl lives in a trailer so ipso-facto she hasn't the means for a proper legal defense, and her lawyer is a public defender apparently untroubled by any obligation to demonstrate her innocence.      

And it gets worse, as in this Age of President Asterisk it only ever gets worse: after her week's incarceration, Konold discovered that her stock-trading and social media accounts had been suspended and the online record of her law-abiding, decent little life wiped. The malicious and mendacious press have reported her as a monstrous "insurrectionist", and the more demonic elements of the anti-democratic Democratic Party have proceeded as ever to harass and threaten her. A fund for Felicia Konold has been posted to Venmo, @Felicia-Konold-1, and she and masses like her could do with your prayers, too.    

In related news, this same day: Biden regime terminates investigation into fatal shooting without warning by Capitol Police of unarmed Trump supporter. In the course of the January 6 run on the Capitol, a Capitol Police plainclothesman shot in the neck a small, unarmed white woman 14 years in the service of the Air Force, without warning, whereupon he among other Capitol Police at hand abandoned her to bleed to death. Even these hundred days since, the identity of the killer cop is unknown, in this age when any cop anyplace in America who shoots a crook who happens to be black, becomes at once a household name, suspended summarily and charged criminally and vilified universally, and "doxed". Unknown too is the story of why two Capitol Police, in the days following the 6th of January, should have had cause for killing themselves.  
And just 48 hours before, President Asterisk himself effectively sanctioned the last night's violent and vicious rioting and looting led by Black Lives Matter, as "peaceful protests" and "understandable", whereafter the rioting duly escalated and spread. Antifa only just set fire to a federal facility in Portland, with federal officers inside, but Antifa are to the Democrat Party as the Brownshirts were to the Nazi Party, so "That's alright, then." This is post-democracy: the patriots are the "terrorists"; the law are the crooks and the crooks are king; and the powers-that-be know no law and no God. Communism has come to America and hell has come to earth.

1 comment:

Nikkirb said...
