November 25, 2020

Shadows of things that may be

They tell me it's Thanksgiving. And of course the day after Thanksgiving is the unofficial first day of Christmas. Well, the second-best-known Christmas story -- not to say there's any great Christmas feeling in me just now -- proposes that visions may be "the shadows of the things that will be, or...shadows of the things that may be, only," and hopes for those things that may be. And in that spirit I pray God that my visions of late are shadows only of what may be.

It's not science but it's political science: Trump won, and he won big or else the fraud wouldn't be so spectacularly obvious, with more votes than there are voters in swing-state dirty-Democrat big cities. For proof positive I can't improve on this, that the state of Pennsylvania issued 1.8 million absentee ballots, but counted 2.5 million. It's a fix. 

Trump swept handily the principal perennial swing states of Ohio and Florida which decide every other presidential election and where the voting and counting are clean, but somehow lost; Trump carried 18 of the 19 bellwether counties which project every other election for president, but somehow lost; Trump excelled his popular vote from his electoral-vote landslide of four years prior by not less than 11 million votes, for the greatest gain by an incumbent president in the history of the republic and far and away the most votes for an incumbent, but somehow lost; Trump carried 84% of counties, a greater preponderance of the map of the United States than any losing candidate for president, but somehow lost; Trump won a greater share of nonwhites than any Republican for president since 1960, doubling his black vote after being damned daily for four years as "racist", but somehow lost; and Trump carried great gains for Republicans in Congress and the state legislatures, 27 toss-ups for House out of 27, in defiance of the junk polls and clueless "experts", but we're meant to believe the man at the top of the ticket who carried those down-ballot Republicans on his coattails, somehow lost his re-election. 


There is no accounting for those and any number of further irregularities and anomalies and impossibilities, save for Democrat Party election fraud. 

It was a refrain with me these four years, that everything and everyone are against Trump but the people, but in America the people are enough; what I hadn't reckoned on is that the people aren't enough if the votes of those people are washed out in a fetid ocean of Democrat fraud. 

They say this election is stolen and manifestly it is that, but it's worse, it's the latest and maybe the last of many phases in a four-year, unremitting coup d'etat, the Russia hoax and the impeachment-without-a-crime and the other, lesser entries in the day-and-night campaign to overturn Trump's election and now also to veto his re-election with fake votes by the millions. But more even than that, this stolen election is the abolition of the republic: the anti-democratic Democratic Party have fixed it to where they can't lose; when they're repudiated by the people in a great reckoning, they walk away claiming a great victory. In the space of one election cycle they've reduced the United States to Venezuela, reduced the Great Republic to a one-party state. They've done to America as Hugo Chavez did to Venezuela, and complete with his "Smartmatic" system. 

Elected office was all we had left: unelected power and influence are monopolized like never before since modernity, by the Left. Big Tech and the Big Press, the culture (or rather the debased counterculture which supplanted American culture half a century past), Big Business, the bureaucracies including especially the Deep State, institutional education, etc., etc. -- generally the institutions and the establishment and the elite in America, 2020, are doctrinaire leftists and partisan Democrats using and abusing their power and influence day and night to promote Democrats and destroy Republicans. 

And for the Left in America, 2020 there is no God and no law and thus there is no restraint. The Left are post-Christian, and disdain as fairytales that there is a God, a Heaven and Hell, a cosmic right and wrong and an eternal reward and punishment. The great monsters of history are un-Christian or pre-Christian or post-Christian. And today also the Left are untouchable to law enforcement: a Democrat administration spying on and conspiring against a Republican presidential campaign, or a looter and rioter and arsonist whose crimes are in support of a national Democrat political campaign -- for Democrats in America, 2020, there is no law. And so we play Marquis of Queensbury because we're Christians and patriots, while they get away with murder. In this black month of November, 2020 the Democrat Party dumps millions of illegal ballots onto a national election, to claim total power and enact a Bolshevik revolution they never let on about in the campaign, and why wouldn't they, when for them there is no God and no law?

Even in easier times I don't know which way to turn except to appeal to history, but there's no very obvious antecedent for 2020, not in four centuries of American civilization. In former times we'd be girding by now for civil war; I don't expect a second civil war, but for the first time since 1865 a second American civil war is not a preposterous proposition.   

There is a silent majority: they endure the abuse that's heaped on their heads daily by the elite, and they keep their heads down and their mouths shut; they observe their laws and pay their taxes and mind their manners -- but they vote. The one power left to the silent majority, until sometime after Election Day 2020, was the vote. So what are the silent majority to do, when that one power left to them, is stolen from them?

November 24, 2020

The once and future president

I write this on November 24 in the lengthening shadows of Democrat judges dismissing unheard Trump's legal challenges to the spectacular fraud in Biden's marginal and fictional victories across six states, any three of which would flip the election: the cases go unpresented, discovery unordered, fact and law undecided, and above all the audits of those mountains of fraudulent votes go uncalled, all while the clock ticks away to December 14 and the meeting of the electoral college. But if Trump is pushed out on fraudulent votes in January then I take for granted that in two years he'll again declare formally his candidacy for president, that the Grand Old Party which he rebuilt and which he owns will again nominate him, and practically by acclaim, and that Trump will as Laura Ingraham has observed in not so many words, tower over the feeble old fraud occupying Trump's rightful place in the Oval Office, Trump as not only a president-in-waiting but a champion and hero, savior and martyr to The Forgotten Man, and a Rushmorean colossus, casting a long shadow over and dwarfing the pretender to the presidency.

In that event Trump may in those two years before he campaigns again for president, campaign for cleaning up the dirty Democrats' comprehensive corruption of our elections, indicting and hounding those rotten, thieving machine-Democrats in the six states that stole his election and getting up campaigns against them. Trump may well determine the Republican primaries for the 2022 midterms starting in not much more than a year, and months later campaign for Republicans in the general elections which on the level of House districts are not so easily rigged by the dirty, anti-democratic Democratic Party. It may even be that Trump sets himself up as something of a shadow president, a true and rightful once and future president, daily dashing Biden's brains. It's not inconceivable that Trump who is after all a multi-billionaire businessman and master of mass media, might in those years found an alternative media empire to break the Big Media monopoly. And on his way out the door Trump must set in motion an independent investigation of this stolen election, of the sort that can't be conveniently retired.

I take for granted that a Biden presidency would be four years of pain; Biden has promised America a "dark winter", which may be read as a metaphor for his would-be presidency beyond its grim gray January and February: at home punishing economics, a fusion of big government and big business, lording over the law-abiding but lawlessness in immigration and criminal justice, "woke" hectoring and political and cultural persecution, etc., etc., while abroad Biden brings a glorious summer for Xi and Kim and Putin, the Ayatollah and the international jihad, as in the eight years of Obama-Biden before the advent of Trump and America First. That the Biden program is anti-populist and unpopular was confirmed by the Biden campaign's not letting on what he'd do as president: Naomi Wolf -- feminist leftist, partisan Democrat, and elite's elite -- wrote on Biden's approach to coronavirus that had she known what Biden would do as president she never would've voted for him, and one suspects she's not alone.

Joe Biden is a rumor of a man filling out a narrow-shouldered bespoke business suit at the top of the Democrat ticket, who says nothing and does nothing but what is scripted and stage-managed for him. Biden always was a buffoon; anymore he's a senile buffoon. Biden is as feeble and frail as his arthritic toddling. By dollar value at least Biden was far and away the most corrupt vice president in the history of the republic, his policy for sale to any crooked character from Beijing to Burisma, and the truth of his corruption will not be denied by Big Tech censorship and Big Press blockades. Biden's program is the Bolshevik Revolution of Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez which had been repudiated in the very Democrat presidential primary. Biden's campaign was a lie and his program is anathema to the people. Biden can't command the respect of his party or the love of his voters. Biden concedes that he's unfit to complete two terms, and more Americans than not aren't confident he'd make it even so far as four years. And that Biden's fictional victory has been won for him by big-city Democrat-machine ballot-box-stuffing grows more spectacularly obvious by the day, washing out the will of the people in a fetid ocean of Democrat fraud. 


As I come to the end of this writing the news comes over the transom that for only the first time in these three weeks since Election Day, the Trump campaign will be permitted to put its case of a stolen election to a court, that court being a state court in Nevada. Also the Trump campaign has announced public hearings on the corruption of the election before the state legislatures in three more of the six states in question, the state legislatures being invested by the Constitution with sole and unitary authority over elections, and five of those six states having elected Republican legislatures, because the dirty Democrat big cities can't rig the elections in all those little legislative districts. It may of course be that it's too little, too late, the clock is ticking and the fix is in, but it must be said, at the risk of mingling my metaphors: they never have beaten Trump yet, not after nine innings. We may be into the ninth inning by now, but the ballgame has a few plays left in it, and Trump's not one to go down with the bat on his shoulder. 

And by way of a postscript, this is highly speculative, but assuming Trump is pushed out on fraud and mounts his return, I'd prefer for his vice president to see Senators Tom Cotton or Josh Hawley. I esteem Vice President Pence and adore him, he's a fine veep and a fine man, a vice president and governor and Congressman and Congressional leader, and a good Christian and great American; but what Mike Pence is not is a force of nature, where Hawley and Cotton are forceful, intellectual young Trumpians with the fire in the belly, who might be expected to fight harder and fare better in the election of '28. I'd be perfectly contented with Pence for veep in Trump Mk II, but I'd sooner we set ourselves up for another presidency with a young lion.

November 7, 2020

Winning the election after the election

Addendum, November 11: It’s as Mark Steyn concluded, the United States general election of 2020 is the greatest electoral heist since the advent of democracy. And as of November 11 the scale and weight of the theft are crashing over the press blockade. It was some days before Trump and his captains found their feet and assembled the first tranches of evidence that the election was heisted, but a week after the day, the case is coming together, and the Trump campaign are demanding not recounts but audits: throw open the ballots, all of ’em, examine them, compare them against the voter rolls, and expunge the fraud.  

Biden’s margins in half a dozen swing states are tenths of a percent, the fraud in those states dwarfs the margins, any three of those states would flip the election, and every fraudulent vote is a vote for Joe Biden. In the swing-state dirty-Democrat big cities which Biden owes for his unofficial and fictional victory, voter turnout runs as high as an impossible 90%, as compared against 50-60% elsewhere -- i.e., there are more votes for Biden than there are voters. It's a fix.  

The thing now is to pray for Trump and his lawyers and at least as much for the Republican officers and volunteers and the witnesses and whistleblowers in the half-dozen states in question, that they have the head and the heart, the will and the wherewithal to expose the fraud and expunge it. Keep the powder dry and keep the faith; Trump is in the White House and he means to get comfortable there.

Trump won and he knows it. He knows too what he's up against, but they never have beaten him yet, not after nine innings, and he's halfway there already: he took on all comers and won the people for the presidency. Now if he can smash the rotten system that stole his victory, he'll be a two-term president as big as Mount Rushmore, and the republic will stand. God bless Donald Trump and God save the Republic. 

Addendum, November 8: Before the coming of coronavirus, some jurisdiction in New Jersey went over to voting by mail, and in one election there the ballots were opened and examined, whereupon it was concluded officially that forged, fraudulent ballots amounted to 10% of the vote. Then came coronavirus, which was taken by Democrats as license to do as they'd wished to do anyhow and institute voting by mail, in states enough to decide the election for president. And now that the Democrats and the press (but I repeat myself) have declared the election for Biden -- unofficially, marginally, and after four days of counting -- if the dodgy ballots are opened and discovered to be fraudulent in numbers sufficient to overturn the unofficial, fictional declared result, we'll be looking at civil war: the cry would be that Trump is a "tyrant", abolishing democracy, when of course he'd be insisting on faithful democracy over election fraud. They've fixed it to where if we win the election, we lose the country. Still, the country that voted Trump know they voted Trump, and they won't be told by Wolf Blitzer or Chris Wallace that they wanted Joe Biden for their president.


Something is rotten in the state of Pennsylvania, and in Michigan and Wisconsin and Nevada and Georgia, if not also Arizona. They're winning the election after the election, as they had planned and we had feared. It does not stand to the reason of political science that President Trump should lose his re-election, in consideration of the following: 


-Trump excelled his popular vote from his electoral-vote landslide of four years prior by something on the order of 10 million votes, for the greatest gain by an incumbent president in the history of the republic and far and away the most votes for an incumbent 

-Trump swept handily the principal perennial swing states which decide every other presidential election, namely kingmaker Ohio and third-most-populous Florida -- where the voting and counting are clean

-Trump carried 18 of the 19 bellwether counties which project every other election for president 

-Trump carried 84% of counties, and no candidate for president has yet lost his election, who won so great a preponderance of the map of the United States 

-Trump won a greater share of nonwhites than any Republican for president since 1960, doubling his black vote after being damned daily for four years as "racist" 

-On his coattails Trump's Republican Party carried 27 of 27 toss-up races for U.S. House, dropping not a solitary incumbent, and coming within something like 21,000 votes out of 150,000,000 of knocking Pelosi off her perch after just two years

-On his coattails Trump's Republicans held the Senate despite drawing the lion's share of the defending contests in the cycle, and against a nationalized Democrat campaign prepared to throw $108 million at one little old seat (see January addendum below)

-And the president's party flipped three state legislatures, with not a Republican legislature lost  

The incumbent Republican president who manages all that, wins his re-election. It's not science, but it's political science. So how is it that several days after the vote we are assured confidently that this incumbent Republican president has effectively lost his re-election? Surely if Joe Biden had rightfully won the presidency then he'd have swept Ohio and Florida and carried the bellwethers, he'd not have surrendered his party's overwhelming advantage since the '60s among nonwhites, he'd have carried along with him a Democrat Senate and a majority in the House at least as big as the one he started with, and he'd not have dropped state legislatures. And so it only follows that suspicion should fall on the corrupt Democrat big cities in the critical states which is where Biden has run up his marginal, fictional lead, after Election Night and over charges of fraud which already have mounted into a mountain. 

But in the worst case wherein Trump loses the election after the election, eked out by big-city Democrat corruption, and on the strength of Big Tech censorship and Big Press blockades, Deep State conspiracy and sabotage, and more generally the unremitting labors for half a decade of practically every living elite, every man and woman with power and influence, using and abusing that power and influence day and night to destroy Trump utterly and to drag Joe Biden's decrepit carcass over the finish line like some ghastly enacting of Weekend at Bernie's -- if after all that Trump is finally eked out by election fraud in the dirty Democrat big cities, then surely they'll not have seen the last of him. He shall return.


Trump is eligible for two terms as president and they need not be consecutive terms; he wouldn't be the first president to serve nonconsecutive terms. And Trump alone has founded a mass movement and built the Grand Old Party up and out, and it's on his coattails that Republicans overperformed down-ballot. Trump owns the people of the Republican Party, even if the party muckety-mucks hate his ever-living guts, and if Trump declares again for Republican nominee for president then the man hasn't been born who can stand against him. 


And Joe Biden always was a buffoon -- his vote on the bin Laden raid was "No" -- and now he's a senile buffoon, dumb and feeble, pristinely without principles -- he's been on both sides of every issue over his half-century in national politics -- by dollar value at least he's the most corrupt vice president in the history of the republic, his policy was for sale including to the Beijing regime and he's compromised with China and lesser bad actors, and what is worse, Biden sits now at the top of a Billionaire Bolshevik program, unworkable as policy and unwinnable as politics: as president and commander-in-chief Joe Biden would be a wreck.    

And anyhow Biden is pledged to stand down if elected after four years, not to say Democrats ever are held to their promises. So if Trump is pushed out then he'll be breathing down Biden's neck from Day One, and a couple years thereafter Trump may well declare his candidacy for president. And I'd venture one further: president or ex-president, in the 2022 midterms Trump may well get up a campaign against Democrats at the state level, to clean up the corruption in our elections: "Kick out the rotten, anti-democratic Democrats who steal your votes."

I pray for President Trump and his captains and foot soldiers and for the Republican officers and volunteers in the swing states, and above all I pray for truth and justice: every corruption exposed and expunged. 


Addendum, January 2021: For some time after Election Night the country and the world took for granted a Republican Senate, but as ever the counting continued until the Democrats got their way, and Georgia's highly unusual twin elections for U. S. Senate were kicked to runoffs on January 5. If the Democrats picked off both Republican incumbents, and if their stolen election for president were upheld, then they'd seize total power to remake America into Venezuela in just the first months of 2021, with the barest majority possible in the U.S Senate of 50-50 with the tiebreaker to the vice president. 

Georgia's elections in November had been easily the crookedest in the country, with more varieties of fraud than in any other single state, but extraordinarily not a solitary reform was enacted before the elections in January. And it was a good deal worse than that: when on New Year's Eve, for instance, a state Senate subcommittee by unanimous vote at last ordered an audit of the Democrat dummy ballots in Fulton County -- i.e., the dirty Democrat big city of Atlanta -- the ballots in question were hauled away in rental vans and literally shredded, within hours of the order and before the order could be executed. Then when Homeland Security seized the shredded ballots, the FBI re-seized them, and re-shredded them. Because America now is Venezuela.

And so it was with a sickness in our stomachs that patriots watched Election Day and Election Night, and the morning after, when the November heist was reprised note-for-note, complete with the inexplicable and impossible deductions of large, round figures from the televised vote tallies for the Republican, and with even the banishment of Republican poll-watchers from the counting in Fulton County. When the Republican Defense Committee secured an emergency order from the nearest superior court judge, commanding the dirty Democrat county to honor the law and assure a clean count by permitting observation by the accredited partisan poll-watchers, the decree was disregarded, and there's an end to it.     

Then Michigan is one of those six to ten states claimed for Biden but won rightfully by Trump, and in Michigan the Republican for Senate polled ahead of Trump, presumably because he's a black Detroiter and appealed to some number of black Detroiters who wouldn't also pull the lever for Trump. But Senate elections are statewide elections, as are elections for president, and the Republican for Senate was washed away with Trump on the ocean of Democrat fraud. Making at least three stolen Senate seats and making all the difference, between power and total power.