November 24, 2020

The once and future president

I write this on November 24 in the lengthening shadows of Democrat judges dismissing unheard Trump's legal challenges to the spectacular fraud in Biden's marginal and fictional victories across six states, any three of which would flip the election: the cases go unpresented, discovery unordered, fact and law undecided, and above all the audits of those mountains of fraudulent votes go uncalled, all while the clock ticks away to December 14 and the meeting of the electoral college. But if Trump is pushed out on fraudulent votes in January then I take for granted that in two years he'll again declare formally his candidacy for president, that the Grand Old Party which he rebuilt and which he owns will again nominate him, and practically by acclaim, and that Trump will as Laura Ingraham has observed in not so many words, tower over the feeble old fraud occupying Trump's rightful place in the Oval Office, Trump as not only a president-in-waiting but a champion and hero, savior and martyr to The Forgotten Man, and a Rushmorean colossus, casting a long shadow over and dwarfing the pretender to the presidency.

In that event Trump may in those two years before he campaigns again for president, campaign for cleaning up the dirty Democrats' comprehensive corruption of our elections, indicting and hounding those rotten, thieving machine-Democrats in the six states that stole his election and getting up campaigns against them. Trump may well determine the Republican primaries for the 2022 midterms starting in not much more than a year, and months later campaign for Republicans in the general elections which on the level of House districts are not so easily rigged by the dirty, anti-democratic Democratic Party. It may even be that Trump sets himself up as something of a shadow president, a true and rightful once and future president, daily dashing Biden's brains. It's not inconceivable that Trump who is after all a multi-billionaire businessman and master of mass media, might in those years found an alternative media empire to break the Big Media monopoly. And on his way out the door Trump must set in motion an independent investigation of this stolen election, of the sort that can't be conveniently retired.

I take for granted that a Biden presidency would be four years of pain; Biden has promised America a "dark winter", which may be read as a metaphor for his would-be presidency beyond its grim gray January and February: at home punishing economics, a fusion of big government and big business, lording over the law-abiding but lawlessness in immigration and criminal justice, "woke" hectoring and political and cultural persecution, etc., etc., while abroad Biden brings a glorious summer for Xi and Kim and Putin, the Ayatollah and the international jihad, as in the eight years of Obama-Biden before the advent of Trump and America First. That the Biden program is anti-populist and unpopular was confirmed by the Biden campaign's not letting on what he'd do as president: Naomi Wolf -- feminist leftist, partisan Democrat, and elite's elite -- wrote on Biden's approach to coronavirus that had she known what Biden would do as president she never would've voted for him, and one suspects she's not alone.

Joe Biden is a rumor of a man filling out a narrow-shouldered bespoke business suit at the top of the Democrat ticket, who says nothing and does nothing but what is scripted and stage-managed for him. Biden always was a buffoon; anymore he's a senile buffoon. Biden is as feeble and frail as his arthritic toddling. By dollar value at least Biden was far and away the most corrupt vice president in the history of the republic, his policy for sale to any crooked character from Beijing to Burisma, and the truth of his corruption will not be denied by Big Tech censorship and Big Press blockades. Biden's program is the Bolshevik Revolution of Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez which had been repudiated in the very Democrat presidential primary. Biden's campaign was a lie and his program is anathema to the people. Biden can't command the respect of his party or the love of his voters. Biden concedes that he's unfit to complete two terms, and more Americans than not aren't confident he'd make it even so far as four years. And that Biden's fictional victory has been won for him by big-city Democrat-machine ballot-box-stuffing grows more spectacularly obvious by the day, washing out the will of the people in a fetid ocean of Democrat fraud. 


As I come to the end of this writing the news comes over the transom that for only the first time in these three weeks since Election Day, the Trump campaign will be permitted to put its case of a stolen election to a court, that court being a state court in Nevada. Also the Trump campaign has announced public hearings on the corruption of the election before the state legislatures in three more of the six states in question, the state legislatures being invested by the Constitution with sole and unitary authority over elections, and five of those six states having elected Republican legislatures, because the dirty Democrat big cities can't rig the elections in all those little legislative districts. It may of course be that it's too little, too late, the clock is ticking and the fix is in, but it must be said, at the risk of mingling my metaphors: they never have beaten Trump yet, not after nine innings. We may be into the ninth inning by now, but the ballgame has a few plays left in it, and Trump's not one to go down with the bat on his shoulder. 

And by way of a postscript, this is highly speculative, but assuming Trump is pushed out on fraud and mounts his return, I'd prefer for his vice president to see Senators Tom Cotton or Josh Hawley. I esteem Vice President Pence and adore him, he's a fine veep and a fine man, a vice president and governor and Congressman and Congressional leader, and a good Christian and great American; but what Mike Pence is not is a force of nature, where Hawley and Cotton are forceful, intellectual young Trumpians with the fire in the belly, who might be expected to fight harder and fare better in the election of '28. I'd be perfectly contented with Pence for veep in Trump Mk II, but I'd sooner we set ourselves up for another presidency with a young lion.

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