July 12, 2022

We hold these truths to be self-evident, for 2022

..."We" there being The True America. Any who demur from the following are too stupid to survive. Not exhaustive, and in no particular order:


-The vaccines don't work and aren't safe. The virus by now won't kill you but the vaccines might. 

-The bug came from the lab. "COVID-19" is biowar, clinically engineered in a Wuhan lab and deliberately released into the wide world by the regime in Beijing.


-2022 is a wilderness of mirrors; the every utterance of every institution and every official is a lie. If it's official, in 2022, it's a lie. 

-"1/6" is a lie and the FBI are the KGB. 


-Ukraine is not our ally or even our friend, and Ukraine is no democracy. Russia is not our enemy except insofar as the Deep State and Democrat Party have made an enemy of Russia. War in Europe is the doing of the Deep State and Democrat Party, involving the self-same figures who had the doing of the Russia Hoax and the Ukraine Impeachment and the 2014 coup d'etat against the duly-elected president of Ukraine for the reason that he was friendly to Russia. The United States and NATO are doing just enough to keep this Ukraine War going and to bring on a global famine while they're about it, with no prospect of victory for Ukraine, fighting a wrong and losing war to the last Ukrainian, but with some prospect of tripping into World War Three.

-Green is suicide. CO2 is the innocuous stuff we all exhale, and oxygen to the plant kingdom; the global temperature has risen all of 0.9 of a degree Celsius in a century; and the principal producer of CO2 in the world is exempted by the Greens from their Green Suicide Pact, because of course that principal producer is communist China. 


-The Democrat Party are a satanic force; the Republican Party are dumb, weak, corrupt, or on the other side.

-Trump won. He won big, or else the fraud against him wouldn't be so spectacular. And what has followed the stolen election, across the country and around the world, has followed from the stolen election.