March 27, 2022

The dead burying the dead

2021 was post-democracy; 2022 is post-America. America was the last godly power on earth; America today is neither godly nor a power. The United States has been appropriated by the enemies of the United States, America is not American, and the world is on fire.

Anti-war war-mongers. For half a century they couldn't take their country's side in a war, and they excised the very word "armed" from their armed forces. Their war has been against Western Civilization and Christianity, and now that they've fully and finally won that war and America and the West can't defeat even a lot of goatherds in rags, they cry "war" for World War Three against the world's foremost nuclear power.

Post-military militarists. They invent war where there was peace, their currency is lies, and their war by other means succeeds only in cutting off our noses to spite our faces. Their war is for an ally that's not our ally and against an enemy that's not our enemy, and they leave the men in the middle to the suffering and dying. It's their gratuitous and malicious meddling that's brought this war on those faraway innocents, and they vow to do just enough to keep the war going till any innocents left haven't any country left.


Their fight is for a "democracy" that's no democracy, and for foreign borders that are redrawn every generation anyhow, when they've dismantled our democracies and our borders. Their patriotism is for a country halfway around the world they never gave a thought to till the day before yesterday, and they have only contempt for their own countries which are the only countries they have it in their power to save. 


America and the West in 2022 are Sodom and Gomorrah, and America and the West in Ukraine are the dead burying the dead.