January 5, 2022

November 2020 was a war and America lost

Just how would America 2022 be different, if the election of 2020 weren't an election but a war, and the United States defeated? 


The totality of the national government, the marginal majority in Congress as well as the imperial presidency and the leviathan federal bureaucracy, are unelected by the people and anathema to the people, they rule in diametric opposition to the will and the good of the people, they hate America and its people and mean the destruction of the United States. 

The border is invaded daily and nightly by untold millions annually of hostile foreigners from every corner of the planet, terrorists and criminals included, and so far from defending the country against the invasion, the national government "resettle" the invaders at taxpayer expense to determinative swing states. And those invaders are exempted from the laws and expectations of law-abiding citizens, from testing and vaccination for the China Virus to even presenting identification for travel by air. 


The enemies of the United States from Afghanistan to Iran and Cuba to China are given all they wish for, and for nothing, unto the point of chucking a victory in Afghanistan bought with exactly 20 years of blood and treasure, delivering the country for nothing to the most barbarous barbarians in this barbarous 21st Century, complete with $83 billion of the most sophisticated and lethal weaponry on offer, thousands of freed fighters, and the largest air base in the region. All while servicemen who love their country are run out of the service for the reason that they love their country, what's left are brainwashed into Hate America, Hate Whites critical race theory, and war-readiness gives way to maternity flight suits and government-issued gender reassignments.


The rights of the Bill of Rights are suspended indefinitely, for the patriot majority. The votes of the majority are vetoed. The political opposition are censored and criminalized, purged by Big Tech and blockaded by the Big Press, and raided by the FBI-KGB. Also pushed out of their jobs and careers, refused basic services, and "doxed" to expose them and their households to brownshirt retribution for their majority beliefs. Parents of public schoolchildren who demur from their public schoolboards are designated "terrorists" pursuant to the Patriot Act by the FBI-KGB. 

The Rushmorean patriot leader who stands for the great majority is tried in perpetuity by a succession of kangaroo courts whose object is to disqualify him from standing again for president and winning a third national election, he's forbidden speaking on any platform whereon he might be heard, and he and his lawyers and captains are harassed continually by lawless law officers of the regime faction, unto the point of raids of offices and homes by the FBI-KGB.


A gulag is instituted in the very national capital for the indefinite detention and torture without bail or trial of law-abiding citizens who love the country and fear God and believe in the Constitution, a large part of them the men who fought our wars for us, abused daily and nightly now by prison guards from Africa, beaten half to death, pepper-sprayed, stripped naked, deprived of sleep, consigned to solitary confinement for months, denied medical attention, denied sustenance, denied even elemental hygiene, their cells flooded with raw sewage, and denied consultations with counsel.

The great overwhelming white majority of the United States are denied life-saving treatments, for the reason that they're white, denied placement in the best schools and the boardrooms, denied representation in their national culture and even in the national advertising to them. The police don't police and the prosecutors don't prosecute, save for the extra-legal edicts and Stalinist fishing expeditions of the regime faction, and thugs and crooks rule the streets. American energy production is strangled, the American dollar is junked by 10 cents in 12 months, and American shelves from car parts to groceries go bare. One could go on, but QED. 

My crystal ball anymore is all mud and fog; I can't see one step in front of me. But the here-and-now is plain enough: the United States in 2022 is an occupied country.