October 20, 2022

The truth about Ukraine, for the dupes and rubes

-The Ukraine War is only incidentally Ukrainian: Ukraine is only the first and most obvious choice for the Deep State as a battlefield and a sandbox for a proxy war on Russia. The Ukraine War is in fact the Deep State War on Russia, which had caused us no harm and posed us no threat, because in a word, Putin won't show gays on TV. Russia today is a white Christian power, and the satanic Deep State have determined that it must be destroyed, for those reasons that it's white and Christian and a power. 


-Since our Ukraine War, Putin was never more secure in his Kremlin, while in Westminster two British prime ministers leading the charge against Russia have fallen, as have both NATO governments to stand for re-election since the early months of the war. And Russia's alliance with China -- for only the first time since there've been a Russia and a China, the nightmare of American foreign policy for 70 years, and still another consequence of the stolen election and its stolen presidency -- has expanded to India and Egypt and effectively also Saudi Arabia, each of those having been a friend or ally of the United States under Trump.  


-Since our Ukraine War and its attendant Total Economic War on Russia, U.S. gross domestic product has contracted for two quarters out of three, and for three quarters out of three American stocks and bonds have bled out -- only the first time since there've been stocks and bonds that bonds have not made a safe haven from stocks -- and of course inflation was never worse, not to mention the prospect of global famine. Meantime the United States spent more on Ukraine in seven months than the total annual budget of the first-world superpower armed forces of Russia.

-The borders of Ukraine have been redrawn seven times in the last century alone: 1917, 1922, 1939, 1945, 1954, 2014, and 2022. Ukraine's borders are not inviolable or sacrosanct but arbitrary and capricious, and the Western leadership begging for World War Three and nuclear holocaust in the name of upholding Ukraine's borders, are at the same time unmaking the only borders they're in a position to enforce, namely their own.       

-Ukraine is no democracy. Zelensky has outlawed all opposition parties and all independent media, and assassinated figures suspected of favoring a negotiated settlement with Russia and having done with the needless bloodshed and destruction; even before the war he outlawed several media outlets unsupportive of him and arrested his principal political rival. The last democratic president of Ukraine, elected on a platform of friendship with Russia, was toppled in 2014 for that reason that he was friendly to Russia, in a coup d'etat staged by the self-same Deep State who orchestrated the Russia Hoax and Ukraine Impeachment and the present Ukraine War. 


-The corrupt war-on-Russia president of Ukraine installed in the 2014 coup was approved by then-vice president of the United States and point-man on Ukraine Joe Biden. The Biden Crime Syndicate proceeded to bilk Ukraine for several million dollars at least. Biden later threatened American aid to Ukraine to halt a Ukrainian investigation into the corruption. And on his own installation as president of the United States, Biden's regime set at once to kicking up a war with Russia in Ukraine.

-It is the Deep State who authored this Ukraine War and it's the Deep State who sustain and escalate it. The Deep State run the Biden regime, and the Biden regime run Ukraine and NATO.     

-Support for the war in Ukraine is not support for Ukraine: keeping up the war is blowing up the country and piling up the bodies. Ukraine is incidental to the Ukraine War and dispensable to the Deep State who use it for their sandbox. You who imagine you're "helping" Ukraine by sustaining the Deep State's war on Russia which only incidentally involves Ukraine, are dupes and rubes whose credulity and stupidity are lethal to Ukraine and may yet be lethal beyond Ukraine. 

-And you who imagine that Russia blew up their own vital LNG pipelines in the Baltic, might as well kill yourselves now: you're too stupid to survive.

July 12, 2022

We hold these truths to be self-evident, for 2022

..."We" there being The True America. Any who demur from the following are too stupid to survive. Not exhaustive, and in no particular order:


-The vaccines don't work and aren't safe. The virus by now won't kill you but the vaccines might. 

-The bug came from the lab. "COVID-19" is biowar, clinically engineered in a Wuhan lab and deliberately released into the wide world by the regime in Beijing.


-2022 is a wilderness of mirrors; the every utterance of every institution and every official is a lie. If it's official, in 2022, it's a lie. 

-"1/6" is a lie and the FBI are the KGB. 


-Ukraine is not our ally or even our friend, and Ukraine is no democracy. Russia is not our enemy except insofar as the Deep State and Democrat Party have made an enemy of Russia. War in Europe is the doing of the Deep State and Democrat Party, involving the self-same figures who had the doing of the Russia Hoax and the Ukraine Impeachment and the 2014 coup d'etat against the duly-elected president of Ukraine for the reason that he was friendly to Russia. The United States and NATO are doing just enough to keep this Ukraine War going and to bring on a global famine while they're about it, with no prospect of victory for Ukraine, fighting a wrong and losing war to the last Ukrainian, but with some prospect of tripping into World War Three.

-Green is suicide. CO2 is the innocuous stuff we all exhale, and oxygen to the plant kingdom; the global temperature has risen all of 0.9 of a degree Celsius in a century; and the principal producer of CO2 in the world is exempted by the Greens from their Green Suicide Pact, because of course that principal producer is communist China. 


-The Democrat Party are a satanic force; the Republican Party are dumb, weak, corrupt, or on the other side.

-Trump won. He won big, or else the fraud against him wouldn't be so spectacular. And what has followed the stolen election, across the country and around the world, has followed from the stolen election. 

March 27, 2022

The dead burying the dead

2021 was post-democracy; 2022 is post-America. America was the last godly power on earth; America today is neither godly nor a power. The United States has been appropriated by the enemies of the United States, America is not American, and the world is on fire.

Anti-war war-mongers. For half a century they couldn't take their country's side in a war, and they excised the very word "armed" from their armed forces. Their war has been against Western Civilization and Christianity, and now that they've fully and finally won that war and America and the West can't defeat even a lot of goatherds in rags, they cry "war" for World War Three against the world's foremost nuclear power.

Post-military militarists. They invent war where there was peace, their currency is lies, and their war by other means succeeds only in cutting off our noses to spite our faces. Their war is for an ally that's not our ally and against an enemy that's not our enemy, and they leave the men in the middle to the suffering and dying. It's their gratuitous and malicious meddling that's brought this war on those faraway innocents, and they vow to do just enough to keep the war going till any innocents left haven't any country left.


Their fight is for a "democracy" that's no democracy, and for foreign borders that are redrawn every generation anyhow, when they've dismantled our democracies and our borders. Their patriotism is for a country halfway around the world they never gave a thought to till the day before yesterday, and they have only contempt for their own countries which are the only countries they have it in their power to save. 


America and the West in 2022 are Sodom and Gomorrah, and America and the West in Ukraine are the dead burying the dead.

January 5, 2022

November 2020 was a war and America lost

Just how would America 2022 be different, if the election of 2020 weren't an election but a war, and the United States defeated? 


The totality of the national government, the marginal majority in Congress as well as the imperial presidency and the leviathan federal bureaucracy, are unelected by the people and anathema to the people, they rule in diametric opposition to the will and the good of the people, they hate America and its people and mean the destruction of the United States. 

The border is invaded daily and nightly by untold millions annually of hostile foreigners from every corner of the planet, terrorists and criminals included, and so far from defending the country against the invasion, the national government "resettle" the invaders at taxpayer expense to determinative swing states. And those invaders are exempted from the laws and expectations of law-abiding citizens, from testing and vaccination for the China Virus to even presenting identification for travel by air. 


The enemies of the United States from Afghanistan to Iran and Cuba to China are given all they wish for, and for nothing, unto the point of chucking a victory in Afghanistan bought with exactly 20 years of blood and treasure, delivering the country for nothing to the most barbarous barbarians in this barbarous 21st Century, complete with $83 billion of the most sophisticated and lethal weaponry on offer, thousands of freed fighters, and the largest air base in the region. All while servicemen who love their country are run out of the service for the reason that they love their country, what's left are brainwashed into Hate America, Hate Whites critical race theory, and war-readiness gives way to maternity flight suits and government-issued gender reassignments.


The rights of the Bill of Rights are suspended indefinitely, for the patriot majority. The votes of the majority are vetoed. The political opposition are censored and criminalized, purged by Big Tech and blockaded by the Big Press, and raided by the FBI-KGB. Also pushed out of their jobs and careers, refused basic services, and "doxed" to expose them and their households to brownshirt retribution for their majority beliefs. Parents of public schoolchildren who demur from their public schoolboards are designated "terrorists" pursuant to the Patriot Act by the FBI-KGB. 

The Rushmorean patriot leader who stands for the great majority is tried in perpetuity by a succession of kangaroo courts whose object is to disqualify him from standing again for president and winning a third national election, he's forbidden speaking on any platform whereon he might be heard, and he and his lawyers and captains are harassed continually by lawless law officers of the regime faction, unto the point of raids of offices and homes by the FBI-KGB.


A gulag is instituted in the very national capital for the indefinite detention and torture without bail or trial of law-abiding citizens who love the country and fear God and believe in the Constitution, a large part of them the men who fought our wars for us, abused daily and nightly now by prison guards from Africa, beaten half to death, pepper-sprayed, stripped naked, deprived of sleep, consigned to solitary confinement for months, denied medical attention, denied sustenance, denied even elemental hygiene, their cells flooded with raw sewage, and denied consultations with counsel.

The great overwhelming white majority of the United States are denied life-saving treatments, for the reason that they're white, denied placement in the best schools and the boardrooms, denied representation in their national culture and even in the national advertising to them. The police don't police and the prosecutors don't prosecute, save for the extra-legal edicts and Stalinist fishing expeditions of the regime faction, and thugs and crooks rule the streets. American energy production is strangled, the American dollar is junked by 10 cents in 12 months, and American shelves from car parts to groceries go bare. One could go on, but QED. 

My crystal ball anymore is all mud and fog; I can't see one step in front of me. But the here-and-now is plain enough: the United States in 2022 is an occupied country.