They tell me it's Thanksgiving. And of course the day after Thanksgiving is the unofficial first day of Christmas. Well, the second-best-known Christmas story -- not to say there's any great Christmas feeling in me just now -- proposes that visions may be "the shadows of the things that will be, or...shadows of the things that may be, only," and hopes for those things that may be. And in that spirit I pray God that my visions of late are shadows only of what may be.
It's not science but it's political science: Trump won, and he won big or else the fraud wouldn't be so spectacularly obvious, with more votes than there are voters in swing-state dirty-Democrat big cities. For proof positive I can't improve on this, that the state of Pennsylvania issued 1.8 million absentee ballots, but counted 2.5 million. It's a fix.
Trump swept handily the principal perennial swing states of Ohio and Florida which decide every other presidential election and where the voting and counting are clean, but somehow lost; Trump carried 18 of the 19 bellwether counties which project every other election for president, but somehow lost; Trump excelled his popular vote from his electoral-vote landslide of four years prior by not less than 11 million votes, for the greatest gain by an incumbent president in the history of the republic and far and away the most votes for an incumbent, but somehow lost; Trump carried 84% of counties, a greater preponderance of the map of the United States than any losing candidate for president, but somehow lost; Trump won a greater share of nonwhites than any Republican for president since 1960, doubling his black vote after being damned daily for four years as "racist", but somehow lost; and Trump carried great gains for Republicans in Congress and the state legislatures, 27 toss-ups for House out of 27, in defiance of the junk polls and clueless "experts", but we're meant to believe the man at the top of the ticket who carried those down-ballot Republicans on his coattails, somehow lost his re-election.
There is no accounting for those and any number of further irregularities and anomalies and impossibilities, save for Democrat Party election fraud.
It was a refrain with me these four years, that everything and everyone are against Trump but the people, but in America the people are enough; what I hadn't reckoned on is that the people aren't enough if the votes of those people are washed out in a fetid ocean of Democrat fraud.
They say this election is stolen and manifestly it is that, but it's worse, it's the latest and maybe the last of many phases in a four-year, unremitting coup d'etat, the Russia hoax and the impeachment-without-a-crime and the other, lesser entries in the day-and-night campaign to overturn Trump's election and now also to veto his re-election with fake votes by the millions. But more even than that, this stolen election is the abolition of the republic: the anti-democratic Democratic Party have fixed it to where they can't lose; when they're repudiated by the people in a great reckoning, they walk away claiming a great victory. In the space of one election cycle they've reduced the United States to Venezuela, reduced the Great Republic to a one-party state. They've done to America as Hugo Chavez did to Venezuela, and complete with his "Smartmatic" system.
Elected office was all we had left: unelected power and influence are monopolized like never before since modernity, by the Left. Big Tech and the Big Press, the culture (or rather the debased counterculture which supplanted American culture half a century past), Big Business, the bureaucracies including especially the Deep State, institutional education, etc., etc. -- generally the institutions and the establishment and the elite in America, 2020, are doctrinaire leftists and partisan Democrats using and abusing their power and influence day and night to promote Democrats and destroy Republicans.
And for the Left in America, 2020 there is no God and no law and thus there is no restraint. The Left are post-Christian, and disdain as fairytales that there is a God, a Heaven and Hell, a cosmic right and wrong and an eternal reward and punishment. The great monsters of history are un-Christian or pre-Christian or post-Christian. And today also the Left are untouchable to law enforcement: a Democrat administration spying on and conspiring against a Republican presidential campaign, or a looter and rioter and arsonist whose crimes are in support of a national Democrat political campaign -- for Democrats in America, 2020, there is no law. And so we play Marquis of Queensbury because we're Christians and patriots, while they get away with murder. In this black month of November, 2020 the Democrat Party dumps millions of illegal ballots onto a national election, to claim total power and enact a Bolshevik revolution they never let on about in the campaign, and why wouldn't they, when for them there is no God and no law?
Even in easier times I don't know which way to turn except to appeal to history, but there's no very obvious antecedent for 2020, not in four centuries of American civilization. In former times we'd be girding by now for civil war; I don't expect a second civil war, but for the first time since 1865 a second American civil war is not a preposterous proposition.
There is a silent majority: they endure the abuse that's heaped on their heads daily by the elite, and they keep their heads down and their mouths shut; they observe their laws and pay their taxes and mind their manners -- but they vote. The one power left to the silent majority, until sometime after Election Day 2020, was the vote. So what are the silent majority to do, when that one power left to them, is stolen from them?