Hear the screams and answer them
Two of the three battles in the war for the future, to my way of thinking, and the two that are fought on the field of politics and government, are cutting very emphatically rightward since the bug. USA Today-Ipsos finds the people want a moratorium even on legal immigration and from all countries, 79-11% -- i.e., the people are far to the right of the rightwardmost president on his rightwardmost issue. And it's 90% in the Pew poll who recognize China as a threat. The people are screaming for an assertive conservative ascendancy in the national politics, to slam shut America's door, if not also to starve out the illegals and bolt the door behind them, and to break from China and break Chinese power. I pray God that Trump and his campaign, and every Republican standing for Congress, hear the screams and answer them, and that Trump carries a workable Republican majority in the House as well as the Senate on his coattails come November 3. Sina delenda est.
The lockdown Left
To every conservative the lockdown was an emergency measure at the height of a crisis, a calculated overreaction, a blunt instrument and a necessary evil, to be enforced by voluntary compliance and never punitive coercion, and above all to be dismantled at the first opportunity. But for the Left the lockdown was a new way of life, an opportunity to reset society and "reimagine" it (in the words of Andrew Cuomo of New York, America's foremost governor-jailer), an excuse to make a welfare case of every able American, a cover for enacting the totality of the leftist program having nothing to do with coronavirus, and a license to indulge every abusive impulse in their petty, vicious leftist souls, to punish conservative America and impoverish business, even to suspend democracy and liberty (the mayor of New York only the other day forbade protests indefinitely).
The accessory to the crime that is coronavirus
One out of three ain't good: the World Health Organization at its top turns out to be unconcerned for "world health", although it is at least an "organization", but then so is the mob. The globalists like the WHO, the Left and the press, even The Great Gates, turn out in the end to be China-ists, frantic to rescue Chinese communism and Chinese power.
In this costliest crime in history that is coronavirus, the "World Health" Organization is an accessory, at every turn promulgating the propaganda of the Beijing regime under their United Nations imprimatur, spreading China's lies and its disease and advancing the Chinese conspiracy: the WHO insisted for a month and a half after China knew better, until it was too late on January 22, that coronavirus was not communicable between humans; they scolded the governments of the world to keep our doors open wide to travel from China and thus to the infection of our societies by a Chinese disease more contagious than flu by 300%; they counseled us counterintuitively that masks were bad, as China hoarded masks; and then once China had sprayed its contagion to every corner of the planet, the WHO screamed "3.4% mortality!" -- the figure claimed in that time by China and catastrophically worse than the true rate which looks to be something nearer to half a percent, as was reckoned by the CDC from the first -- and the world outside China duly collapsed in panic, our economies and governments and societies pulverized like hasn't been seen since the Second World War at least.
"Dr." Tedros is the first director-general of the WHO who's no doctor: he's an Ethiopian Maoist recognized as a fellow-traveler by the Chinese Communist Party and installed at the top of the WHO in '17 in a Chinese power-play; he belongs to a political party recognized by the State Department in his time as a terrorist organization; and Tedros' greatest work in medicine before ascending to director-general of World Health was sheltering his government in Ethiopia from political difficulty by concealing no fewer than three outbreaks of cholera, by conveniently re-classifying the cholera mortality as death by diarrhea.
The very name "COVID-19" was a favor by the WHO to the Beijing regime, to obviate the source of the virus in a word untranslatable into Mandarin. The WHO at its top manifestly cares nothing for the world or for health, and as the criminal in the crime of coronavirus is the Beijing regime, so the WHO is the accessory to that crime, without which China could not have hoped to drag 180 countries down with it into its horror and ruin.
Sucker subscribers
The third of those three battles in the war for the future is perfectly impervious to elections, namely the battle to break the monopoly of the Left on the institutions. Since the advent of Obama a decade ago leftism as an electoral proposition has turned ever more rarefied and less populist, ever more abhorrent to the masses who are not elites, ever madder, ever more a pact for national suicide; but in that same time leftism as the doctrine and dogma of institutional America, big business included, has gone from prevailing ethos to monopoly of thought. And no institution in America is more driven by leftism and more a driver of leftism than the artless art and unentertaining entertainment that is film and television.
Television and film in America, 2020 is uniformly unworthy and unwatchable, uniformly the doing of mediocrities and poseurs and pygmies, and unremittingly political. It's my fear that the unwatchable in movies and shows is by now effectively subsidized, by the untold millions of subscribers to the big streaming services, who'll pay their monthly or yearly subscriptions without a thought to the unnumbered unwatchable titles produced or purchased on the strength of those subscriptions. You wouldn't watch it but you'll pay for it, because if your subscription doesn't roll over then you're bereft of that one show you care for.
And so the market is abolished, and we forfeit our right to vote with our feet. The audience is the elites who produce and purchase the titles, with their elite preferences and prejudices and preoccupations. If it meets with the approval of the muckety-muck at Netflix then it's a sale, and the sucker subscribers will cover the cost even if they can't stand to look at the first frame.
Round is for squares
The trouble with the fashion elite, excepting that rarefied, Lagerfeldian class of elite fashion, is that they're mad for novelty, and never get around to the question of "But is it good?" In the same way that the Left believe in change for its own sake, the fashion elite are believers in novelty for its own sake. Introduce a square wheel and they'll pronounce that round is for squares, and never mind that a square wheel can't roll.
Two of the three battles in the war for the future, to my way of thinking, and the two that are fought on the field of politics and government, are cutting very emphatically rightward since the bug. USA Today-Ipsos finds the people want a moratorium even on legal immigration and from all countries, 79-11% -- i.e., the people are far to the right of the rightwardmost president on his rightwardmost issue. And it's 90% in the Pew poll who recognize China as a threat. The people are screaming for an assertive conservative ascendancy in the national politics, to slam shut America's door, if not also to starve out the illegals and bolt the door behind them, and to break from China and break Chinese power. I pray God that Trump and his campaign, and every Republican standing for Congress, hear the screams and answer them, and that Trump carries a workable Republican majority in the House as well as the Senate on his coattails come November 3. Sina delenda est.
The lockdown Left
To every conservative the lockdown was an emergency measure at the height of a crisis, a calculated overreaction, a blunt instrument and a necessary evil, to be enforced by voluntary compliance and never punitive coercion, and above all to be dismantled at the first opportunity. But for the Left the lockdown was a new way of life, an opportunity to reset society and "reimagine" it (in the words of Andrew Cuomo of New York, America's foremost governor-jailer), an excuse to make a welfare case of every able American, a cover for enacting the totality of the leftist program having nothing to do with coronavirus, and a license to indulge every abusive impulse in their petty, vicious leftist souls, to punish conservative America and impoverish business, even to suspend democracy and liberty (the mayor of New York only the other day forbade protests indefinitely).
I can't claim to have familiarized myself with the polling on the question of lockdowns and lifting them, but I know well enough that the lockdowns were blunt-instrument emergency policy, that if we don't get back to business we'll be eating dirt for dinner, and that the people want their lives back and they never elected some governor to "reimagine" their society. The abuse and the malice and the brutal stupidity in the lockdowns by Democrat governors and mayors and lesser enforcers have been an education in 21st Century leftism, and in an election year too.
One out of three ain't good: the World Health Organization at its top turns out to be unconcerned for "world health", although it is at least an "organization", but then so is the mob. The globalists like the WHO, the Left and the press, even The Great Gates, turn out in the end to be China-ists, frantic to rescue Chinese communism and Chinese power.
In this costliest crime in history that is coronavirus, the "World Health" Organization is an accessory, at every turn promulgating the propaganda of the Beijing regime under their United Nations imprimatur, spreading China's lies and its disease and advancing the Chinese conspiracy: the WHO insisted for a month and a half after China knew better, until it was too late on January 22, that coronavirus was not communicable between humans; they scolded the governments of the world to keep our doors open wide to travel from China and thus to the infection of our societies by a Chinese disease more contagious than flu by 300%; they counseled us counterintuitively that masks were bad, as China hoarded masks; and then once China had sprayed its contagion to every corner of the planet, the WHO screamed "3.4% mortality!" -- the figure claimed in that time by China and catastrophically worse than the true rate which looks to be something nearer to half a percent, as was reckoned by the CDC from the first -- and the world outside China duly collapsed in panic, our economies and governments and societies pulverized like hasn't been seen since the Second World War at least.
"Dr." Tedros is the first director-general of the WHO who's no doctor: he's an Ethiopian Maoist recognized as a fellow-traveler by the Chinese Communist Party and installed at the top of the WHO in '17 in a Chinese power-play; he belongs to a political party recognized by the State Department in his time as a terrorist organization; and Tedros' greatest work in medicine before ascending to director-general of World Health was sheltering his government in Ethiopia from political difficulty by concealing no fewer than three outbreaks of cholera, by conveniently re-classifying the cholera mortality as death by diarrhea.
The very name "COVID-19" was a favor by the WHO to the Beijing regime, to obviate the source of the virus in a word untranslatable into Mandarin. The WHO at its top manifestly cares nothing for the world or for health, and as the criminal in the crime of coronavirus is the Beijing regime, so the WHO is the accessory to that crime, without which China could not have hoped to drag 180 countries down with it into its horror and ruin.
Sucker subscribers
The third of those three battles in the war for the future is perfectly impervious to elections, namely the battle to break the monopoly of the Left on the institutions. Since the advent of Obama a decade ago leftism as an electoral proposition has turned ever more rarefied and less populist, ever more abhorrent to the masses who are not elites, ever madder, ever more a pact for national suicide; but in that same time leftism as the doctrine and dogma of institutional America, big business included, has gone from prevailing ethos to monopoly of thought. And no institution in America is more driven by leftism and more a driver of leftism than the artless art and unentertaining entertainment that is film and television.
Television and film in America, 2020 is uniformly unworthy and unwatchable, uniformly the doing of mediocrities and poseurs and pygmies, and unremittingly political. It's my fear that the unwatchable in movies and shows is by now effectively subsidized, by the untold millions of subscribers to the big streaming services, who'll pay their monthly or yearly subscriptions without a thought to the unnumbered unwatchable titles produced or purchased on the strength of those subscriptions. You wouldn't watch it but you'll pay for it, because if your subscription doesn't roll over then you're bereft of that one show you care for.
And so the market is abolished, and we forfeit our right to vote with our feet. The audience is the elites who produce and purchase the titles, with their elite preferences and prejudices and preoccupations. If it meets with the approval of the muckety-muck at Netflix then it's a sale, and the sucker subscribers will cover the cost even if they can't stand to look at the first frame.
Round is for squares
The trouble with the fashion elite, excepting that rarefied, Lagerfeldian class of elite fashion, is that they're mad for novelty, and never get around to the question of "But is it good?" In the same way that the Left believe in change for its own sake, the fashion elite are believers in novelty for its own sake. Introduce a square wheel and they'll pronounce that round is for squares, and never mind that a square wheel can't roll.