Hussein Obama was for America and the world comprehensively a
catastrophe. The indictment following is not so comprehensive, but
it's unanswerable, to wit and in no particular order:
The astronomical national debt was astronomical enough by the time Obama swore to turn it back, damning Bush for his contribution to it and promising a "net spending cut"; in the event and despite Obama's hacking of defense and hiking of taxes on the wealthy and on capital gains, the piling on of the national debt over Obama's eight years comes to $9.3 trillion, near enough to doubling the debt, or amassing as much as the 43 presidents previous.
The astronomical national debt was astronomical enough by the time Obama swore to turn it back, damning Bush for his contribution to it and promising a "net spending cut"; in the event and despite Obama's hacking of defense and hiking of taxes on the wealthy and on capital gains, the piling on of the national debt over Obama's eight years comes to $9.3 trillion, near enough to doubling the debt, or amassing as much as the 43 presidents previous.
Obama makes the first president since GDP statistics have been calculated never to see economic growth of at least 3% in at least one year of his
presidency. Obama managed to abolish the boom-and-bust business cycle
by chopping the peaks off the peaks-and-valleys, his economic
recovery, if a "recovery" it was, being the feeblest since
the 1940s. GDP shrank or bounced along the bottom in nine quarters of Obama's 32, and lest it be supposed that the recession which Obama famously "inherited" accounts for that, let it be observed that the contractions or flatlinings or both come in six years of Obama's eight: 2009, '11 and '12, '13 and '14, and a flat quarter as late as the end of '15, just a year before Obama walked out of the White House for the last time.
labor participation rate was the worst since the stagflation 1970s,
Americans uncounted in the labor force having multiplied by 14
million under Obama, to 95 million, which worked wonders on Obama's
official unemployment rate but was not so wonderful for the real economy
and the real people in it. One American family in five are
unrepresented in the labor force, i.e., families having not one
breadwinner amount to 20%.
dependent for their daily bread on food stamps multiplied under Obama
by 13 million, and Americans in poverty by 8 million.
to round out the roundup of economic ruin, America imported more than
it exported in Obama's terminal year by nearly three-quarters of a
trillion, and by that blessed end of the Age of Obama the
homeownership rate was the worst in better than half a century.
first black president whose very election we were promised would
"heal the racial divide" brought instead the first race war
since the 1960s, sanctioning at the highest levels the
racial-grievance excuse-making for ghetto pathologies, claiming
"racism" behind political disagreement and law enforcement,
and intimidating police forces into abandoning the policing of
minority precincts, with the consequent explosion in violent crime
and in race riots.
in America's greatest cities leapt by 31% in these couple years past,
and by 57% last year over the year before in Obama's hometown of
Chicago, where the Second-Amendment-abolitionists wrote the gun laws
and an old Obama administration hand runs city hall. A Chicagoan
anymore is shot every couple hours, and Chicago is more treacherous
than Kabul. And as many Americans were killed in Chicago under Obama
as were killed in Iraq under Bush.
two terms of the first black president, blacks uncounted in the labor
force were up 18.5% and blacks dependent for their daily bread on
food stamps up 58%; even homeownership among blacks was worse for
eight years of the first black president. They may go to their graves
in devotion to this "first black president" who was in fact
half-white-American and half-Kenyan-elite, and whose only hereditary
association with slavery was on his maternal, slavemaster side, and
for whom discrimination was affirmative action,
but Barack "first black president" Obama was a catastrophe for blacks in America.
Obama's preposterously-named "Affordable Care Act", cost
was first among the deficiencies of healthcare in America, but
Obamacare only multiplied that cost, driving up the average health insurance premium by 25% in 2017
uninsured are with us still, and since Obamacare so too are the
untold masses restricted by Obamacare to 30 hours' work and wages
weekly. Then there are the everything-and-the-kitchen-sink policies
demanded by Obamacare, and the outlawing of barebones, emergency-only
coverage, plus the “Shared Responsibility” tax/fine of hundreds
per person per year (one is at a loss as to which to call it, a "tax"
or a "fine", for the reason that Obama swore it was a fine
when political necessity demanded it not be counted a tax, then when
the legal necessity was that it not be counted a fine, it was
conveniently recast as a tax; what it is truly is an outrage and a
burden). Obamacare also has dispossessed untold masses of their plans and
their doctors, notwithstanding Obama's assurances, and strained
Medicaid and Medicare. And that's to say nothing of the violence done
by Obamacare to the American freedom of conscience, unto the point of
compelling nuns to buy abortifacients.
lawlessness of Obama and his administration is a subject fit more for
a book, and a thick one, but at or near the top of any accounting of
Obamian lawlessness must be its application for the furtherance of
the invasion and colonization of the United States by the Latin
American Third World. Obama's lawless executive orders inviting
"DREAM"-ers from Latin America to America made a
commonplace of the hitherto-unknown phenomenon, of the herding and
driving of masses of Latin American children on foot across Latin
America, to be dumped on the American banks of the Rio Grande. And
Obama's administration by their own accounting released into American
society something over 86,000 criminal aliens in all of two years.
partisan in their lawlessness: Obama and his administration were "the
most dagger-partisan since Richard Nixon", to invoke an old formulation of Rex
Murphy's. Obama's IRS isolated 400 Tea Party groups, to
take but one example, and denied them the status they demanded and
deserved so as to knock them out of two election cycles.
presided over the triumphal march of the international jihad over the greater Near East including countries never dreamt of as terrorist
territories, before there was a President Barack Obama; the jihad has
today its first nation-state, also unthinkable before Obama; al-Qaeda
is dwarfed as a force and a threat by the greater jihadi army
of ISIS which before Obama was unconceived; and terror attacks in
this country and in Europe which before Obama were one-offs, were in
the Age of Obama a commonplace: in the two months preceding the 2016
Summer Olympics jihadis managed a terror attack someplace on earth
outside Syria and Iraq every 84 hours. The Navy SEALs put a bullet in
bin Laden's head on Obama's watch, but otherwise the war on terror
went altogether the way of the international jihad.
is the product of Obama, and for a demonstration of Obama's comprehensive, catastrophic failure on ISIS this
is unimprovable: Obama had pronounced ISIS "contained" a matter
of hours before the Paris massacre of November 2015 wherein ISIS
slaughtered more than 100 innocents. Before there was a President
Obama, ISIS was unconceived and a jihadi nation-state was
unthinkable; ISIS today constitutes the government of a swath of
Syria and Iraq, and its jihadi empire of ISIS affiliates reaches into
18 countries.
Iraq Obama inherited a won war, tossed it away along with its
sacrifice, and extraordinarily has bequeathed to us a new, Third Iraq
Americans died in Afghanistan in just the first year-and-a-half under
Obama than in the seven-and-a-half years under Bush, and for a war
which Obama's half-measures and declared timetable had determined
could not end in victory: in Afghanistan Obama condemned America to
the cost in blood and treasure of a war-winning big push, with the
defeat of a retreat and withdrawal, abandoning the field to the
enemy. And seven-and-a-half years after Obama assumed command of the
Afghan War, on the eve of the Democratic National Convention, 80
Afghan Shiites were massacred in Kabul, not by the Taliban or
al-Qaeda but by Obama's “JV squad”, also known as ISIS.
far from frustrating Iran's nuclear drive or better yet pushing to
liberate the Iranian people from their theocracy and at the same time
to liberate the world from the principal state author of terror, Obama lifted such
sanctions as there were on Iran and spared the mullahs' wicked,
Armageddonist tyranny for the second time in his presidency,
rewarding Iran with $150 billion in international trade plus $400
million in airlifted cash, and opening Iran to development by the
advanced economies, i.e., the greatest leap yet in Iran's drive for
the bomb.
there was a President Obama Libya was an ally of the United States in
the terror war; within months of Obama's intervention there,
unauthorized by Congress and undebated by the people, Libya was a
wild wild west for the international jihad. Not long thereafter Libya was the site of the seizure and slaughter of an American ambassador, among other American dead including those two whose deliverance of the survivors was in defiance of the suicidal stand-down order from the top, worse even than the Iranian Hostage Crisis of three
decades previous and a failure of Obama three times over: Obama abandoned the American personnel in Benghazi to “normalized” security despite the manifest threats and appeals for reinforcement,
then declined to rescue them in the event, and finally he made out
that the affair was the doing somehow of an immigrant to America
who'd spoken ill of Islam in a YouTube video. And Libya today is another project of the ISIS
caliphate, to where Obama ordered it bombed in another of his undeclared wars.
there was a President Obama there was no notion of war in Syria; the
inaptly-named Syrian Civil War today has run half a decade, killed
half a million, displaced four million and driven the greatest refugee crisis
since the Second World War -- a crisis in the West as much as in the Near East -- and birthed the great jihadi army that is
in the Age of Obama seized dominion of the South China Sea, and
Russia invaded and conquered some part of eastern Europe. Before
there was a President Obama war in Europe was unthinkable; since
Obama and his “Russian Reset” a Continental European shooting war
is the everyday.
that's to say nothing of North Korea and others I'm sure I'm
neglecting, or of the contracting and crumbling under Obama of the
United States Armed Forces. What Obama pursued instead was a retro-'70s arms treaty, to take
but one example, restricting America's nuclear arsenal, unused since
hear Obama tell it, he brought sunlit uplands, but surely if his
fantasy were more than fantasy then that would be registered
electorally, and there the very party he's led must know as well as
any that Obama brought catastrophe: Obama leaves his party and his
cause a shambles, the incoming Republican president and
administration being the most militantly reactionary and conservative
since the advent of conservatism as we conceive it, and Obama's
Democrats having lost in his time 13 seats in the Senate and 64 in
the House, 13 governorships, and 33 state houses. Time will tell
if Obama's principal legacy will have been the advent and ascendance of a new Americanism, conceived in reaction against him.
For a large part of the facts and figures herein I owe to the very
useful compilations of Sean Hannity)